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Midhul P
Midhul P

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How to Organise JavaScript Code with Modules: A Practical Guide

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that enables developers to build dynamic and interactive web applications. One of its essential features is modularity, allowing code organization for better reuse and maintainability.

What are Modules in JavaScript?

Modules are self-contained pieces of code that encapsulate specific functionalities, variables, and methods. They enable developers to break down applications into manageable parts, making maintenance, testing, and debugging easier.

With ES6, JavaScript introduced the import and export keywords for module creation, moving away from older methods like RequireJS and CommonJS.

Creating Modules

To create a module, define the functionality you want to encapsulate. For example, consider a module for calculating the area of a rectangle:
// rectangle.js
export function calculateArea(width, height) {
return width * height;

Using Modules

To use the calculateArea function in another file, import the module
import { calculateArea } from './rectangle.js';
console.log(calculateArea(10, 5)); // Outputs: 50

Benefits of Modules

Encapsulation: Keeps code organized and manageable.
Reusability: Reduces code duplication across the application.
Performance: Loads only necessary code, improving application speed.
Testing: Facilitates easier isolation for testing.

To see how we can use modules to manage different functionalities in a practical context:

🔗 Read the full blog here!

You'll find detailed implementations of modules for:

  • Searching for books
  • Displaying book details
  • Managing a shopping cart

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