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Mike Young

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Benchmark shattering: 122-language reading comprehension dataset expands multilingual NLP testing

This is a Plain English Papers summary of a research paper called Benchmark shattering: 122-language reading comprehension dataset expands multilingual NLP testing. If you like these kinds of analysis, you should join or follow me on Twitter.


  • A new dataset called Belebele is introduced, covering multiple-choice machine reading comprehension (MRC) tasks in 122 language variants.
  • This dataset aims to expand the language coverage of natural language understanding (NLU) benchmarks, enabling the evaluation of text models in high-, medium-, and low-resource languages.
  • Each question is based on a short passage from the Flores-200 dataset and has four multiple-choice answers.
  • The English dataset alone is challenging enough to test state-of-the-art language models.
  • The parallel nature of the dataset allows for direct comparison of model performance across all languages.
  • The dataset is used to evaluate the capabilities of multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs).

Plain English Explanation

The researchers have created a new dataset called Belebele that is designed to test how well language models can understand text in a wide range of languages. The dataset includes over 120 different language variants, which is significantly more than previous benchmarks.

Each question in the dataset is based on a short passage of text, and the model has to choose the correct answer from four multiple-choice options. The questions were carefully crafted to differentiate between models with varying levels of general language comprehension. Even the English-only portion of the dataset is challenging enough to push the boundaries of the latest language models.

Since the dataset is fully parallel, meaning the same questions and passages are available in all 122 languages, it allows researchers to directly compare how well different models perform across all of those languages. This is used to evaluate the multilingual capabilities of two main types of language models: multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs).

The key finding is that while English-centric LLMs do show some ability to transfer knowledge to other languages, smaller MLMs trained on more balanced multilingual data actually understand a much wider range of languages better. The researchers also observe that models with larger vocabularies and more thoughtful vocabulary construction tend to perform better on low-resource languages.

Overall, this new Belebele dataset opens up new opportunities to thoroughly assess and analyze the multilingual natural language understanding capabilities of AI systems.

Technical Explanation

The Belebele dataset is a multiple-choice machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset that covers 122 language variants. This significantly expands the language coverage compared to previous NLU benchmarks, allowing for the evaluation of text models in high-, medium-, and low-resource languages.

Each question in the dataset is based on a short passage from the Flores-200 dataset and presents the model with four multiple-choice answers to select from. The questions were carefully curated to differentiate between models with varying levels of general language understanding.

The dataset is fully parallel, meaning the same passages and questions are available in all 122 languages. This enables direct comparison of model performance across the entire set of languages.

The researchers use the Belebele dataset to evaluate the multilingual capabilities of two key model types: multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs). They find that despite significant cross-lingual transfer abilities in English-centric LLMs, smaller MLMs trained on more balanced multilingual data actually outperform the LLMs in understanding a wider range of languages.

Additionally, the researchers observe that models with larger vocabularies and more thoughtful vocabulary construction tend to perform better on low-resource languages within the Belebele dataset.

Critical Analysis

The Belebele dataset represents an important step forward in evaluating the multilingual capabilities of NLP systems. By expanding language coverage to 122 variants, it pushes the boundaries of existing benchmarks and enables more thorough testing.

However, the paper does acknowledge some potential limitations. For example, the dataset is focused on machine reading comprehension, which may not fully capture all aspects of language understanding. There is also a question of how representative the Flores-200 source passages are of real-world text.

Additionally, while the results provide valuable insights, the researchers note that further analysis is needed to fully understand the factors driving the performance differences between MLMs and LLMs on low-resource languages. The correlation with vocabulary size is an interesting observation, but more research is required to establish causality.

Future work could also explore how the Belebele dataset could be repurposed for other NLP tasks beyond multiple-choice comprehension, or how it could be combined with other multilingual benchmarks to provide an even more comprehensive evaluation.


The Belebele dataset represents a significant advancement in multilingual natural language understanding benchmarks. By expanding language coverage to 122 variants, it enables a more thorough evaluation of the multilingual capabilities of text models. The findings suggest that smaller multilingual masked language models may outperform larger English-centric language models, particularly on low-resource languages, due to factors like vocabulary size and construction.

This dataset opens up new avenues for analyzing and improving the multilingual performance of NLP systems, which is crucial for developing AI technologies that can truly understand and communicate in the diverse range of languages used around the world.

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Top comments (1)

piyushtechsavy profile image
piyush tiwari

Good for products dealing into multi lingual capacities