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Milad Ranjbar
Milad Ranjbar

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Import large JSON file into MongoDB using mongoimport

I was trying to import large data set JSON file into MongoDB my first method was using MongoDB Compass my file size was about 7GB but after 30 minutes passed still stuck on 0%, like the image below:

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So I used next method, mongoimport but I am using MongoDB with docker so in the first step I need to copy my huge JSON file to MongoDB container:

docker cp users.json CONTAINER_NAME:/users.json
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then connect to my Mongodb container with below command:

docker exec -it CONTAINER_NAME  bash
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and now just need to insert huge file using mongoimport:

mongoimport --db MY_DB --collection users --drop --jsonArray --batchSize 1 --file ./users.json
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by using --batchSize 1 option you will be insured huge JSON file will be parsed and stored in batch size to prevent memory issue.

if during import you encounter killed error from MongoDB import, maybe you need to increase memory size for your container by adding deploy.resources to your docker-compose file:

version: "3"
    image: mongo:3.6.15  
          memory: 4000M
          memory: 4000M  
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Top comments (3)

suther profile image
Samuel Suther

what's about batchSize ? I didn't found any parameter like that for the mongoImport command. It seems not to exist, or not documented?!

alihajiloo profile image
Ali Hajiloo • Edited

nice man that's so cool working

itsjavi profile image
Javier Aguilar

thanks this was just I needed to initialize a mongodb with json