DEV Community

Marcelo André Naegeler
Marcelo André Naegeler

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Supernova introduction

First of all, thanks for this space to share ideas, this is my very first post here. I even don't know how to present Supernova to you, but here we go. Hope you all like it!

Please let me know if you don't understand anything or if there's questions, this project is for the community, to make developers happier!

About Supernova

Supernova is a solution builder. Is is a low-code foundation for you, as a software developer or architect, build an entire application within minutes, freeing you to focus on your solution specification.

The source code is available on my Github.

Getting started

Here is a video in Portuguese (BR) explaining about it: YouTube.

After cloning and setting up Supernova's codebase (docs), your workflow will be:

  • Create your Sequelize models inside /api/src/app/models ;
  • Register this model in the application on route /#/admin/models ;
  • Create the views you need for this model on route /#/admin/views ;

User authentication and internationalization are built-in.

When registering models, you'll need to specify the model data, such as name, Model name (the file name) and its fields.

When registering views, you'll need to specify the view data, like the view type (included are ListView and FormView, which are front-end components) and the fields you may want to show in that view.

Please refer to this video to see it in action (Portuguese)

I built Supernova thinking on developers, I know some of the pains of making software and I know that automation could be a huge pain. Thinking about this it was built to not enforce you to do anything in its way, so if you want to change CSS framework, it's easy to do. If you want to use just the user authentication and create new endpoints for specific action, you can do so. Or change the components used for Views. Or changing the entire front-end library/framework.

Thank you for reading. Please, give me your feedbacks!

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