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Wolfcito | Luis Fernando Ushiña 🐺 for Mode

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How new Builders Tame Mode Network

mode builder
Configuring Hardhat for Development on Mode Network

In this article, we'll explore how new builders, even those who feel like baby dinosaurs handling slightly older technologies, can configure their development environment using Hardhat to integrate with Mode Network. We'll break down the configuration file, covering network setup, Solidity compiler settings, gas usage reporting, Sourcify integration, and Etherscan integration. Each step is designed to allow any developer, regardless of their level of experience, to optimize their environment and work efficiently on Mode Network-specific projects.

What is Hardhat?

Hardhat is a development environment designed for building and testing decentralized applications (dApps) on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a robust set of tools and plugins that simplify the process of compiling smart contracts, running tests, and deploying to various networks.

What is Mode Network?

Mode Network is a blockchain platform optimized for high performance and scalability. It offers developers a reliable environment to deploy decentralized applications, with a focus on efficient transaction processing and minimal costs.

Configuration Code Example

To get started, you need to install Hardhat locally in your project. Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Then, follow these steps:

Install Hardhat:

npm install --save-dev hardhat
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Create a Hardhat Project:

npx hardhat
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Update the hardhat.config.js File:

Here's an example configuration for Mode Network Mainnet:

import { HardhatUserConfig } from 'hardhat/config'
import '@nomicfoundation/hardhat-toolbox'
import * as dotenv from 'dotenv'

// Load environment variables
const providerApiKey = process.env.ALCHEMY_API_KEY

// Configuration object for Hardhat
const config: HardhatUserConfig = {
  networks: {
    // Configuration for local development network
    hardhat: {
      forking: {
        // URL for forking mainnet
        url: `${providerApiKey}`,
        // Enable forking if MAINNET_FORKING_ENABLED is 'true'
        enabled: process.env.MAINNET_FORKING_ENABLED === 'true',
    // Configuration for ModeTest network
    modetest: {
      // URL for ModeTest network
      url: '',
      // Chain ID for ModeTest network
      chainId: 919,
      // Account(s) to use for deployments on ModeTest network
      accounts: [DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY as string],
      // Gas price for transactions on ModeTest network
      gasPrice: 10000,
    // Configuration for Mode network
    mode: {
      // URL for Mode network
      url: '',
      // Chain ID for Mode network
      chainId: 34443,
      // Account(s) to use for deployments on Mode network
      accounts: [DEPLOYER_PRIVATE_KEY as string],
  // Solidity compiler configuration
  solidity: {
    // Version of Solidity compiler to use
    version: '0.8.20',
    settings: {
      // EVM version
      evmVersion: 'london',
  // Configuration for gas reporting
  gasReporter: {
    // Enable gas reporting if REPORT_GAS is defined
    enabled: process.env.REPORT_GAS !== undefined,
    // Set currency for gas reporting
    currency: 'USD',
  // Configuration for Sourcify
  sourcify: {
    // Enable Sourcify
    enabled: true,
  // Configuration for Etherscan integration
  etherscan: {
    // API key for Etherscan
    apiKey: {
      mode: ETHERSCAN_API_KEY as string,
    // Custom chains configuration for Etherscan
    customChains: [
      // Configuration for ModeTest network in Etherscan
        network: 'modetest',
        chainId: 919,
        urls: {
          // API URL for ModeTest network explorer
          apiURL: '',
          // Browser URL for ModeTest network explorer
          browserURL: '',
      // Configuration for Mode network in Etherscan
        network: 'mode',
        chainId: 34443,
        urls: {
          // API URL for Mode network explorer
          apiURL: '',
          // Browser URL for Mode network explorer
          browserURL: '',

export default config
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Environment Variables:

Make sure to have your environment variables configured in a .env file:

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Property Descriptions:

Property Description
networks Configuration for different Ethereum networks.
- hardhat Configuration for local Hardhat network for development and testing.
- modetest Configuration for ModeTest network.
- mode Configuration for Mode network.
solidity Configuration for Solidity compiler.
gasReporter Configuration for gas usage reporting during tests.
sourcify Configuration for Sourcify to verify contract source.
etherscan Configuration for Etherscan integration, including API key and custom chain URLs.


With this setup, new builders, even those who consider themselves "very new to the ecosystem," can seamlessly integrate and contribute to development on Mode Network. The detailed configuration and provided examples ensure a straightforward and accessible process for everyone.

Let's tame Mode Network together, step by step, like true builders in this "new" era! 🦖💻

Additional Resources:

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