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mohamed Tayel
mohamed Tayel

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C# Advanced: Multicast Delegates

What is a Multicast Delegate?

A multicast delegate is a delegate that can have multiple methods assigned to it, which are then executed in sequence. This means you can set up a delegate to call multiple methods when it’s invoked, creating a chain of method calls. Let’s explore this concept using a simple example.

Example: Notifications in an Order Processing System

Imagine we’re building an order processing system. When an order is successfully processed, we want to:

  1. Notify the user.
  2. Update the inventory.
  3. Generate an invoice.

We can chain these methods together using a multicast delegate to make our code easier to maintain and extend.

Step-by-Step Implementation

Step 1: Define a Delegate Type

First, we define a delegate that matches the signature of the methods we want to chain:

public delegate void OrderCompleted();
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This delegate can hold references to methods that take no parameters and return void.

Step 2: Create the Methods

We create three simple methods that each match the delegate signature:

public static void NotifyUser()
    Console.WriteLine("User has been notified about the order.");

public static void UpdateInventory()
    Console.WriteLine("Inventory has been updated.");

public static void GenerateInvoice()
    Console.WriteLine("Invoice has been generated.");
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These methods represent the tasks we need to perform when an order is completed.

Step 3: Set Up the Multicast Delegate

Now, let’s set up the delegate to call all three methods in sequence:

public static void Main(string[] args)
    // Create a delegate instance and assign the first method.
    OrderCompleted chain = NotifyUser;
    // Append the other methods to the delegate chain.
    chain += UpdateInventory;
    chain += GenerateInvoice;
    // Invoke the delegate chain.
    Console.WriteLine("Processing Order...");
    Console.WriteLine("\nRemoving UpdateInventory from the chain...");
    // Remove UpdateInventory from the chain
    chain -= UpdateInventory;
    // Invoke the delegate chain again
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Expected Output

Processing Order...
User has been notified about the order.
Inventory has been updated.
Invoice has been generated.

Removing UpdateInventory from the chain...
User has been notified about the order.
Invoice has been generated.
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Key Points to Remember

  1. Adding Methods: Use += to add methods to a delegate. This makes it a multicast delegate.
  2. Removing Methods: Use -= to remove a method from the delegate chain.
  3. Sequential Execution: The methods are executed in the order they are added, and one after another.
  4. Single Occurrence Removal: If you add a method multiple times, -= only removes one occurrence at a time.

Assignment Time!

Let’s get some hands-on practice with multicast delegates. Here are assignments at three different levels:

Easy Assignment: Basic Multicast Delegate

  1. Define a delegate named TaskCompleted that represents a method with no parameters and no return value.
  2. Create three simple methods: LogTaskStart(), DoTask(), and LogTaskEnd().
  3. Chain these methods using a multicast delegate, and invoke the delegate.
  4. Print the output to understand the execution order.

Hint: The steps are very similar to the example in this article.

Medium Assignment: Modifying the Delegate Chain

  1. Use the OrderCompleted delegate from the main example.
  2. Create four methods named StepOne(), StepTwo(), StepThree(), and StepFour().
  3. Add these four methods to the delegate chain.
  4. After invoking the delegate chain, remove the second method (StepTwo) and invoke it again to see the difference.
  5. Experiment by adding StepThree multiple times to the chain. Remove one occurrence and observe what happens.

Goal: Understand how adding and removing methods affects the delegate chain and the final output.

Difficult Assignment: Dynamic Multicast Delegate Manipulation

  1. Create a class named MulticastDelegateManager.
  2. Define a public delegate void Operations().
  3. Add methods named Initialize(), Execute(), CleanUp(), and LogResults(). Each method should print a relevant message to the console.
  4. Create an instance of Operations named workflow, and add the methods Initialize, Execute, CleanUp, and LogResults.
  5. Implement functionality to dynamically add or remove methods based on user input.
    • For example, prompt the user: "Would you like to remove a step? (yes/no)". Based on the response, remove a method from the delegate chain.
  6. Use a loop to keep asking the user until they type "no".
  7. Once the user is finished, invoke the multicast delegate and display the results.

Goal: Learn how to dynamically manage delegate chains during runtime, giving users control over which steps to execute.


Multicast delegates offer a convenient way to invoke multiple methods in a predefined sequence, making your code cleaner and easier to maintain. By chaining methods, you can create highly extensible and reusable systems. The assignments above should help reinforce these concepts, from basic chaining to dynamic modifications.

Now that you understand delegates and multicast delegates, you’re ready to take the next step—exploring lambda expressions, Action, and Func delegates, which provide even more powerful and flexible ways to manage method references in C#. Happy coding!

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