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A Frontend Journey: I need an honest feedback for my static website

Hey devs! 👋 I'm Mohamed ELwakeel, a 29-year-old civil engineer turned fullstack MERN developer. Four months into my first full-time frontend job, I've been channeling my passion for coding by working on a side project – a static and minimalist TODO app.

Tech Stack
I've been mastering the frontend with React.js, Redux Toolkit, and CSS3. Now, I'm diving into the backend world with PostgreSQL, Express.js, and Node.js to create a seamless fullstack experience.

Learning Path
The TODO app has been my playground for coding best practices and clean, modular design. Coming from a different career background has only fueled my determination to succeed in software development.

Community Input
Today, I'm sharing my project with you, seeking your valuable feedback. Whether it's about code structure, design choices, or performance tweaks – I'm eager to learn from the community.

Thanks in advance for your time and insights.

Happy coding!

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