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Mohammad Aman
Mohammad Aman

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Understanding React's Supercharged Engine: React Fibre

Hey there, fellow coders! Today we're going to talk about one of the most exciting advancements in React – React Fiber. Imagine if I could explain this like we were hanging out together. Let's explore the world of performance optimization!

First, let me introduce you to our old friend, React Classic. It did its job well, but as our apps grew more complex, we started noticing some problems. Our components would sometimes freeze during updates, causing frustrating delays for users. We needed something faster, smoother, and more reliable – that's where React Fiber comes in!

Think of React Classic as a reliable car that got us where we wanted to go, but then along came Fiber, which transformed it into a sleek sports car. With Fiber, React can handle even the most demanding applications without any problems.

So, what does Fiber do? It's like a scheduler that breaks down rendering tasks into tiny chunks called "microtasks." These microtasks are executed at the same time, allowing React to handle multiple changes simultaneously instead of waiting for one update to complete before starting another.

Why implement Fiber when things seemed fine already? The answer is that technology is always changing, and we want to create seamless experiences for our users. By improving React's responsiveness, Fiber ensures that our applications remain smooth and interactive, no matter how many elements they contain.

One of the coolest features of Fiber is its ability to pause and resume rendering processes whenever necessary. This means that React can prioritize critical UI interactions, ensuring that important events such as button clicks don't get lost amidst less urgent tasks.

To illustrate this concept, imagine you're building a social media app, and every time someone likes a post, you want to display an animation showing hearts flying around the screen. Without Fiber, this animation might cause the entire page to stutter because React had to stop updating other parts of the application until the animation finished. However, thanks to Fiber, React can continue updating other parts of the interface while still rendering the animation smoothly.

Summary, React Fiber is a significant improvement in React's evolution, providing developers with powerful tools to build high-performance applications. So, the next time you find yourself working on a project that demands top-notch speed and interactivity, remember to embrace Fiber and unleash its full potential.

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