DEV Community

Arpit Mohan
Arpit Mohan

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Upgrading APIs, Cloud security & some Engineering advice

TL;DR versions of articles I read today on software engineering. Sign up for my newsletter to receive these in your inbox every weekday.

APIs as infrastructure: future-proofing Stripe with versioning

#API #changemanagement

  • Once signed, any changes to a contract become complicated.
  • APIs are your contracts for communication with your customers.
  • Stability is a superpower for APIs.
  • Extensive backward compatibility + Internal change review process before release + Versioning = Stripe’s API superpower

Full post here, 9 mins read

7 non-negotiable security practices for any cloud product

#cloud #security

  1. Track access and usage across cloud providers
  2. Manage access to sensitive data
  3. Automate your user provisioning & de-provisioning
  4. Configure single sign-on with your identity provider
  5. Set up login requirements
  6. Routinely audit activity logs
  7. Familiarize yourself with your cloud providers security offerings

Full post here, 6 mins read

All the best engineering advice I stole from non-technical people

#career #teambuilding

  • Ensure fixed ownership of every task that needs to be done in a team.
  • Know what people expect you to be an expert in. Delivering in your area of expertise is more than enough.
  • You truly help others when you solve with them, not when you hand out a solution.
  • Learn to harmonize the dichotomy. Everything is an assumption when you are doomed to see in binaries.
  • Ensure people are focused on making their work’s value seen and not focused on making themselves seen working for long hours.

Full post here, 11 mins read

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