
Cover image for Learning through Links ๐Ÿ”—
Mohil Zalavadiya
Mohil Zalavadiya

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Learning through Links ๐Ÿ”—

Spoiler alert: You may get to read more than you came here to read for. It's not just 2 min read.

If you're here, then it most probably means that you reached after clicking a bunch of links. And from here, you may end up somewhere else to read something even more interesting๐Ÿ˜›. Well, that's what happened when I went to read the React docs.

A few days back, I wanted to start learning the basics of React library. I think there isn't a better place other than Getting Started to do that. There I found my first link React Tutorial: An Overview and Walkthrough By Tania Rascia. As mentioned in React docs, the concepts written in the article were detailed and beginner-friendly.

Scrolling further leads to Javascript overview from MDN. I thought let's take a quick look. It wasn't so quick, though๐Ÿ˜…. Because the first line itself has a link to The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Language. The title itself is catchy. How can one not click that๐Ÿ˜„?

Well, it doesn't end there. At the end of that article, there were two more links.

We often use popular tools for development not knowing their creators. But through this, I got to know about Douglas Crockford, creator of JSLint and JSON.

For knowing Javascript in detail, apart from MDN, you can also refer to

On reaching the 'Create a New React App section', I found a list of toolchains. I went to look at Gatsby.js's home page as I heard that name before. In the 'WHAT GATSBY USERS ARE SAYING' section, I saw that Codebrahma was hired by Serverless to do their new site. So, being curious by name, to Codebrahma blogs I went. Among recent, I got attracted to below two

After reading all these, I was back on track to learn more about React, finally๐Ÿ˜‚. I hope you found some useful links along the way ๐Ÿ˜‰. Feel free to share if you had a similar experience.

Cover Photo by Avi Richards on Unsplash.

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