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Idukpaye alex
Idukpaye alex

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10 websites That web developers should know


Welcome to 5+ websites made by developers for developers.

1. Stack Overflow

This is the ultimate place to seek answers for a particular problem you may be having. There are thousands of answered questions, if you do not see your problem, you can always ask a question. Even pro developers use Stack overflow to seek answers. You can even signup to answer people's questions, some jobs might give you preference for this. Stack overflow also conducts international surveys about web technologies, which you should check out.

2. frontend mentors

This is the place for frontend developers to take challenges and get community feedback and reviews on their projects. Frontend mentor is launching a hiring platform which is good because, if you complete a lot of challenges you get points, that help to build a strong frontend developer profile. In Addition, if you can complete some specific challenge well you can record yourself teaching it, and start a YouTube channel.

3. GitHub

GitHub allows developers from all over the world to collaborate and work together on projects; it utilizes a version control system called git that keeps track of code and allows sharing of code. GitHub makes it easy for you to contribute to open source projects and with GitHub, you can work on projects and have multiple versions of them. When employers check your profile they also check your GitHub, so loaded it up with your best projects.

4. Dev Docs

Dev-docs is a combination of multiple API documentation put together in a clear well-organized fashion.
Dev-docs include HTML, CSS, JS, JS frameworks, Dart, Django and so much more; it is like an Enclycopidia for almost any programming technology you can think of.

5. CodePen

Codepen is an online website that allows you to test and run HTML, CSS, JS, and other frontend web technologies such as React, Sass and etc. Codepen is also like Github, it also allows people to share their projects(which are called pens); see and test cool stuff people have built.

6. is a relatively new developer community for keeping up with developer news, trends, and much more. has a very clean interface and you should try it, you may love it.

7. Bouns picks

Check out these other websites that may be worth your time:

  1. Medium
  2. hashnode
  3. Learning Anything


Thanks for reading, if you want to support me follow me or buy me a coffee here. Have a nice day

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