DEV Community

Ben Sinclair
Ben Sinclair

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Resolution: read the reading list

The DEV side menu, with an indicator saying there are 63 unread items in the reading list

If you're like me, you find something that piques your interest, but use the little bookmark feature so you can go off and make a cup of tea or address a Someone Is Wrong On The Internet issue, secure in the knowledge that you'll read it later.

And if you're like me, you're probably pretty bad at going back and reading things, because the part of your brain that thinks an activity has been successfully completed is activated by the action of clicking "bookmark" almost as well as it's activated by actually Doing The Thing and reading the article. Stupid brain.

What this means is that we end up with an ever-increasing number we learn to ignore.

Let's get back to Bookmark Zero. Let's ready those articles. We bookmarked them for a reason, right? They're probably really good.

I'm resolving to. Resolve with me!

If you don't know about it, well, I guess this article wasn't for you, but try clicking the bookmark icon at the bottom of a post to get started:

The bottom of a DEV post, including a bookmark control

Why not see if you're as bad at it as me?

Top comments (2)

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis β€’

I just checked mine and i have 275!! πŸ˜….
(in my defence i must say that i normally put posts in the reading list more as "this is an article i want to bookmark because I could go back to it sometimes rather than a read later.

If scrolling the "wall/feed" I notice something interesting but have no time to read it, yes I put it in the list, but remove it soon after .

wiseai profile image
Mahmoud Harmouch β€’

I am going to bookmark this for later to remember resolving the others. Lol.