DEV Community

Moses John
Moses John

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So you’ve decided to learn programming, you’ve gotten the course, you are revved up and can’t wait to begin.

Below are 4 tips to guarantee you successfully complete your learning journey and not lose your way halfway there (btw that’s a song by Big Time Rush 😂). Anyways let’s delve in.

1. Slowly but surely wins the race 🐢🐢

You are excited to start learning, and that’s ok but whatever you do, NEVER BE IN HASTE. I am not saying be lazy but take it at a pace that’s comfortable enough for you to fully comprehend all you are learning.

Remember you are like a baby learning to crawl in this vast world of tech, so learn at your own pace, so you don’t end the experience before it begins.

2. Stick to one course at a time

“Too many chefs spoil the broth” It is totally true, even in programming.

You are starting out, so stick to one course at a time, understand it, practice with it and know it in your dreams 😁 before you move to another.

This is key because a lot of beginners jump into so many courses at once and they end up confused, demotivated and frustrated.

3. Take Coding Challenges.

“Practice makes perfect” To be good at anything you have to practice it.

As a beginner, you have to practice every concept you will be learning and taking coding challenges is a great way to do that, because you don’t know if you know until you know that you know (😁😁 see what I did there) and there are many sites where you can take coding challenges and hone your programming skills here is one

Remember, the goal is not just to solve the challenges but to understand the underlying concepts and improve your problem-solving abilities. Regularly practicing coding challenges will help you build a strong foundation and make you a better programmer over time.

4. Join Communities

Programming can be a solitary activity, but it doesn't have to be. Joining communities of fellow programmers can provide you with valuable support, guidance, and motivation throughout your learning journey. There are many online communities, forums, and social media groups dedicated to programming where you can connect with like-minded individuals, ask questions, share your progress, and learn from others.
Here are a few benefits of joining programming communities:

a. Networking: You can meet experienced programmers who can offer advice, mentorship, or even potential job opportunities in the future.

b. Collaboration: Working on projects with others can enhance your learning experience and expose you to different perspectives and approaches to problem-solving.

c. Troubleshooting: When you encounter challenges or bugs in your code, the community can help you identify and overcome them more efficiently.

d. Learning resources: Communities often share useful tutorials, articles, and resources that can supplement your learning and provide you with new insights.

e. Accountability: Sharing your goals and progress with others in the community can help you stay accountable and motivated to continue learning.

Remember to be respectful, ask thoughtful questions, and contribute positively to the community. Actively participating and engaging with others will enrich your learning experience and increase your chances of success.

By following these tips, you can set yourself up for a successful programming journey. Remember to be patient, stay focused, practice regularly, and leverage the support of communities to enhance your learning. Happy coding!👍👍

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