Hey devs,
I worked on simple desktop RSS Reader made for the desktop. It's a simple reader with minimalistic UI and no extra distraction like social media sharing or recommendation engine. Simply subscribe to favorite feeds you love to read and stay up to date directly on your desktop. No user account needed. It also supports offline reading, that is you can save articles for offline if there is no internet connectivity.
Github Repo
đź“– All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
All your articles in one place. Beautiful.
Working on the new version completely re-written. This version of Raven Reader would no longer be maintained. Stay tuned for more announcements and new repo.
To download, please visit https://ravenreader.app.
Install via Homebrew (macOS)
To use Homebrew-Cask you just need to have Homebrew installed.
brew install --cask raven-reader
Install via Chocolatey (Windows) (Thanks to @A-d-r-i)
choco install raven
- Full Article Read
- Subscribing to news feed
- Marking as read/unread
- Marking as favourite
- Dark mode
- Configurable cron job for refresh interval of feeds
- Minimize app to tray and run in background
- Open article link in external browser
- Responsive
- Exporting feed in OPML format
- Importing feeds
- Windows support
- Linux support
- Offline reading
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- Sidebar count
- Text size configuration
- Text font style configuration (Currently has Playfair Display, Muli, Open Sans and Roboto Slab)
- Supports categorizing of the feeds.
- macOS touchbar shortcuts
- …
Tech Stack
- Vuejs
- ElectronJS
- NeDB (Local file-based database)
- Bootstrap
- Mercury Parser API (Full article reading)
Platform supported
- Mac
- Windows
- Linux
Let me know with any feedback !
Top comments (2)
Nice work. I just downloaded and started playing around with it. The icon looks amazing. Are there any feeds you're a fan of that you'd recommend?
Hey Geoff, thanks!
My career all started with startup companies. So I mostly like to follow tech news. Some of the favorite ones I mostly follow is Codrops love their weekly collections. Then I like food too so sometimes I follow food feeds like Munchies and rest are either Wired, TechCrunch, Verge or political news like Vox.
There are more features yet to come in upcoming releases that are syncing with other apps like inoreader, Tiny Tiny RSS etc. So stayed tuned.