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Mrinmoy Arnob
Mrinmoy Arnob

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The Untold Struggle of Programming and How to deal with it

Learning to code is accessible and can be done by anyone. Basic computer skills, such as operating a computer and installing software, along with a stable internet connection, are all you need to get started. But the question is, where should you begin?

There are various options available, such as purchasing a Udemy course or learning through YouTube tutorials. If you search for "How to become a software engineer in 6 months" on YouTube, you will find numerous videos. Once you start learning, you will realize that coding is not as difficult as it seems, especially when you write your first "Hello world" code. After a month or two, you will gain more confidence and may even dream of landing a job within six months.

However, the reality is often different. In most cases, it is challenging to secure a job within six months, regardless of how hard you try. The tech field is highly competitive, with many individuals pursuing similar goals. Additionally, companies typically prefer to hire experienced professionals over beginners. Unless you have achieved something extraordinary, it may take even longer than six years to establish yourself.

Patience is crucial on this journey. Consider my personal experience, which is common among those starting with web development. Many choose this path because it is relatively easier to learn. HTML in the first week, CSS in the second, and JavaScript in the third – and you are ready to build your first website. However, I personally struggled with HTML and CSS for almost a year. As a Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) student at the time, I felt ashamed and doubted my ability to graduate. However, I persevered and eventually succeeded. That is a story for another blog post.

So what should you do now? There might be several ways, but from my experience, these are the things that you should focus on:

  • Find something that motivates you to keep going, something that comes from within yourself.

  • No one is going to fight your war. To conquer, you have to find your own way.

  • Improve your communication skills. If you do not know how to communicate in English, you will face a lot of problems in the near future.

  • Take your time. You cannot rush in this field.

  • Do not focus on easy things or things that you have already learned. Always try to learn something new.

  • Continuously challenge yourself and work on personal coding projects. Building your own projects will not only give you valuable hands-on experience but also demonstrate your skills to potential employers.

  • Stay up to date with the latest technologies and trends in the programming world. The field is constantly evolving, and being knowledgeable about new tools and frameworks will give you a competitive edge.

  • Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow programmers. Join coding forums, attend meetups, and engage in online communities where you can ask questions, share knowledge, and receive support.

Remember to celebrate your small victories along the way. Programming can be frustrating and challenging at times, but each milestone you achieve is a step forward in your journey. Keep pushing yourself, stay curious, and never stop learning. Embrace the struggle and use it as fuel to become a better programmer. With dedication, persistence, and a growth mindset, you will overcome the obstacles and achieve your goals. Good luck!

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