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Rishi Kumar
Rishi Kumar

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Stream and HighWatermark: Node.js

Understanding the interplay between objectMode and highWaterMark is essential for optimizing stream performance in Node.js. Let's delve into what each term means, how they interact, and whether objectMode improves highWaterMark.

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding highWaterMark
  2. Understanding objectMode
  3. Interaction Between objectMode and highWaterMark
  4. Does objectMode Improve highWaterMark?
  5. Best Practices

Understanding highWaterMark

What is highWaterMark?

highWaterMark is a configuration option in Node.js streams that specifies the threshold at which the stream will apply backpressure. It essentially determines how much data can be buffered in the stream before it starts to signal that it's "full" and needs to pause or slow down the incoming data.

  • Readable Streams: For readable streams, highWaterMark defines the maximum number of bytes (in binary mode) or objects (in object mode) to store in the internal buffer before ceasing to read from the underlying resource.
  • Writable Streams: For writable streams, it indicates the maximum number of bytes or objects that can be buffered while writing data before applying backpressure to the source.

Default Values

  • Binary Mode:
    • Readable Streams: 16 KB (16 * 1024 bytes)
    • Writable Streams: 16 KB (16 * 1024 bytes)
  • Object Mode:
    • Both readable and writable streams default to a highWaterMark of 16 objects.

The above defaults are stable in modern Node.js versions (e.g., Node 14+). If you’re on an older version of Node, be sure to check the docs to confirm these defaults.

Why is highWaterMark Important?

  • Memory Management: Prevents excessive memory usage by limiting the amount of data buffered.
  • Flow Control: Ensures smooth data flow between producers and consumers without overwhelming either side.
  • Performance Optimization: Balances throughput and latency based on the application's requirements.

Understanding objectMode

What is objectMode?

objectMode is a stream option in Node.js that allows streams to handle arbitrary JavaScript objects instead of raw binary data (Buffer) or strings. When objectMode is enabled, the stream operates in "object mode," treating each chunk as a distinct object.

Enabling objectMode

To enable objectMode, set the objectMode option to true when creating a stream:

const { Readable } = require('stream');

const objectReadable = new Readable({
  objectMode: true,
  read() {}

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Benefits of objectMode

  • Structured Data Handling: Ideal for streaming complex data structures like JSON objects, database records, etc.
  • Simplified Processing: Easier to work with objects directly without manual serialization/deserialization.
  • Flexibility: Can handle varying data types and structures seamlessly.

Keep in mind that objectMode can add a little overhead compared to binary mode, because the stream must handle discrete JavaScript objects rather than raw bytes. In most real-world use cases (like streaming database records), this overhead is negligible compared to the clarity gained when working with structured data.

Interaction Between objectMode and highWaterMark

How They Work Together

When objectMode is enabled, the interpretation of highWaterMark changes:

  • Binary Mode: highWaterMark is measured in bytes.
  • Object Mode: highWaterMark is measured in the number of objects.

For example, a highWaterMark of 16 in object mode means the internal buffer can hold up to 16 objects, regardless of their size.


  • Granularity: Object mode provides a more granular control based on the number of discrete objects rather than their byte size.
  • Consistency: Each object is treated equally, making buffer management predictable regardless of individual object sizes.
  • Backpressure Signaling: The stream can more accurately signal backpressure based on object count, which is particularly useful when object sizes vary significantly.

Does objectMode Improve highWaterMark?

Clarifying "Improve"

The term "improve" can be subjective, but in this context, it likely refers to whether using objectMode enhances the effectiveness or efficiency of highWaterMark in managing stream buffers and backpressure.

How objectMode Affects highWaterMark

  1. Consistency in Buffer Management:
    • Object Mode: Each object, regardless of size, is counted uniformly. This consistency is beneficial when dealing with objects of varying sizes, ensuring that buffer limits are based on the number of discrete items rather than their potentially unpredictable byte sizes.
    • Binary Mode: Buffer limits are based on byte sizes, which can be problematic if object sizes vary widely, leading to inefficient memory usage or unexpected backpressure triggers.
  2. Predictable Backpressure:
    • Object Mode: By limiting the number of objects, developers can predict and manage backpressure more accurately, especially when object sizes are inconsistent.
    • Binary Mode: Backpressure is tied to byte counts, which may not directly correlate with processing capabilities, especially when dealing with large or small objects.
  3. Ease of Configuration:
    • Object Mode: Setting highWaterMark based on the number of objects is often more intuitive when dealing with streams of objects.
    • Binary Mode: Requires careful consideration of byte sizes, which may vary and complicate buffer management.

Does It "Improve" highWaterMark?

In scenarios where streams handle discrete, structured objects with varying sizes, objectMode enhances the effectiveness of highWaterMark by providing a more logical and consistent buffer management strategy. It allows developers to control the flow based on the number of objects, leading to more predictable backpressure behavior.

However, it's essential to note that:

  • Use Case Dependent: The benefits are most pronounced when dealing with object streams. For binary or text streams, objectMode is not applicable.
  • Performance Considerations: While objectMode offers better control for object streams, it may introduce some overhead compared to binary streams due to object handling. However, this is generally negligible compared to the benefits in appropriate use cases.


  • Yes, objectMode can improve the effectiveness of highWaterMark when dealing with streams of JavaScript objects by providing a more intuitive and consistent way to manage buffer limits and backpressure.
  • No, in the sense that objectMode doesn't inherently make highWaterMark "better" for all types of streams; its benefits are context-specific.

Best Practices

  1. Choose the Right Mode:
    • Use objectMode when streaming JavaScript objects.
    • Use binary or text modes for streaming raw data like files, network packets, etc.
  2. Set Appropriate highWaterMark Values:
    • Object Mode: Set based on the number of objects that can be comfortably buffered without exhausting memory or causing delays.
    • Binary Mode: Set based on byte sizes that align with processing capabilities and memory constraints.
  3. Monitor and Adjust:
    • Use tools and logging to monitor stream performance and adjust highWaterMark as needed.
    • Be mindful of the nature of your data; for instance, if objects are large, a lower highWaterMark may be appropriate.
  4. Handle Backpressure Properly:
    • Respect the write() method's return value.
    • Listen for the drain event to resume data flow when appropriate.

In Node.js, when a writable stream's internal buffer exceeds highWaterMark, the write() method will return false. That signals backpressure. You should then stop writing until the stream emits the drain event, which tells you it’s ready for more data. For readable streams, the flow can be paused automatically or manually (via pause() and resume()).

  1. Optimize Stream Pipelines:
    • Use stream.pipeline for better error handling and cleaner stream composition.
    • Ensure all streams in the pipeline are correctly configured for objectMode if needed.
  2. Avoid Unnecessary Object Mode:
    • Enabling objectMode when not needed can lead to increased memory usage and processing overhead.

Practical Example

Object Mode vs. Binary Mode with highWaterMark

Let's illustrate how objectMode affects highWaterMark with a practical example.

const { Readable, Writable } = require('stream');

// Binary Mode Example
const binaryReadable = new Readable({
  highWaterMark: 1024, // 1 KB
  read() {}

const binaryWritable = new Writable({
  highWaterMark: 2048, // 2 KB
  write(chunk, encoding, callback) {
    console.log(`Writing ${chunk.length} bytes`);


// Push data
binaryReadable.push(Buffer.alloc(500)); // Within highWaterMark
binaryReadable.push(Buffer.alloc(600)); // Exceeds highWaterMark, triggers backpressure
binaryReadable.push(null); // End the stream

// Object Mode Example
const objectReadable = new Readable({
  objectMode: true,
  highWaterMark: 2, // 2 objects
  read() {}

const objectWritable = new Writable({
  objectMode: true,
  highWaterMark: 3, // 3 objects
  write(obj, encoding, callback) {
    console.log(`Writing object:`, obj);


// Push objects
objectReadable.push({ id: 1, name: 'Alice' }); // Within highWaterMark
objectReadable.push({ id: 2, name: 'Bob' });   // Within highWaterMark
objectReadable.push({ id: 3, name: 'Charlie' }); // Exceeds highWaterMark, triggers backpressure
objectReadable.push(null); // End the stream

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  • Binary Mode:
    • The binaryReadable stream has a highWaterMark of 1 KB.
    • Pushing 500 bytes is fine, but pushing an additional 600 bytes exceeds the highWaterMark, triggering backpressure.
  • Object Mode:
    • The objectReadable stream has a highWaterMark of 2 objects.
    • Pushing three objects exceeds the highWaterMark, triggering backpressure based on the number of objects, not their size.


objectMode and highWaterMark are powerful configurations in Node.js streams that, when used together appropriately, can significantly enhance stream performance and reliability:

  • objectMode allows streams to handle JavaScript objects seamlessly, providing a natural way to work with structured data.
  • highWaterMark controls the buffering strategy, ensuring that streams do not overwhelm system resources by limiting the amount of data buffered.

By enabling objectMode when dealing with object streams, you can improve the effectiveness of highWaterMark by aligning buffer management with the nature of your data. This leads to more predictable backpressure behavior, efficient memory usage, and smoother data flow within your applications.

Final Tips

  • Assess Your Data: Determine whether your stream handles objects or binary data to choose the appropriate mode.
  • Configure Thoughtfully: Set highWaterMark based on the specific needs and constraints of your application.
  • Test and Iterate: Monitor stream behavior under different loads and adjust configurations to achieve optimal performance.

If you have more specific scenarios or further questions about objectMode and highWaterMark, feel free to comment!

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