Every developer wants to be Full Stack !
Why ?
It has it's own perks and benefits...
You get paid more...
You are no more dependent on other devs...
You have more opportunities...
You learn a lot...
Better understanding...
And lots more...
Article No Longer Available
In this article, we are going to cover 5...Yes...5 projects to become a FullStack Ninja before the 2020 Ends!!!
Are you ready ?
Let us start
1. Full Stack React & Firebase Tutorial
Project : Build a social media app
By : FreeCodeCamp
Link :
Description :
In this full tutorial course, you will learn how to create a full stack, fully-featured social media application using React, Firebase, Redux, Express, and Material-UI.
This intermediate tutorial covers things such as creating a backend REST API server with Node.js and Express, user login and authentication, image uploads, notifications, cloud functions, deploying to Firebase, and much more.
2. Full Stack Python Flask Tutorial
Project : Build a social network
By : FreeCodeCamp
Link :
Description :
Learn how to build a basic social platform with the Python Flask web framework. In this video we review how to create a database, pull data in and out of that database, create a web server with python, and use python HTML templating to render a page for the user!
3. React Native Web Full App Tutorial
Project : Build a Workout App for iOS, Android, and Web
By : FreeCodeCamp
Link :
Description :
Learn to use React Native for Web to create a workout app that works on Android, iOS, and the web. The app uses Mobx, Typescript, React Navigation, React Hooks, AsyncStorage / LocalStorage, and more. Once the app is complete, you will learn how to deploy it to Netlify.
4. Full Stack Python Django Tutorial
Project : Build an E-commerce Website with Django and Python
By : FreeCodeCamp
Link :
Description :
Learn how to build an E-commerce website with Django and Python. The website displays products. Users can add and remove products to/from their cart while also specifying the quantity of each item.
5. Full Stack React & NodeJS Tutorial
Project : Build complete Job Listing Website using React and NodeJS
By : FreeCodeCamp
Link :
Description :
This video covers React front end w/ Hooks, Simple Node-Express API, Cron worker to fetch data, Simple filtering algorithm, Redis + node-redis, Deployment (NGINX on DigitalOcean droplet)
I am Saeed Ahmad. I love to write about programming, new technologies and innovation. Follow me for more posts like this one here :
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Top comments (125)
I'm not a fan of phrases like this, like "rockstar" or "ninja", etc.
I'd like to comment on this particular one though: it's very gendered. It's very "bro".
I can't imagine anyone making a post called "How to become a full stack Wonder Woman" without raising eyebrows, so I'm going to raise my eyebrow at this one.
Curious on why rockstar and ninja are gendered. There are a lot of female rock stars. Furthermore the data shows rock bands that include at least one female member are getting labels deals at 8 times the rate of all male rock bands. Female bands are also selling significantly more. I also know over 10 cases where the bands' record deals were revoked because a female member left the band purely out of personal decision and a shift in their interests. If anything there stars to be bias against males in the music industry. Can't speak to ninja as I don't know any male or female ninjas but if you are going to make such comments please do some research. Opinions are irrelevant and even dangerous on such sensitive subjects. We are not going to end sexism with speculations but with precise strikes to the source of the problem.
Edit: there were also a lot of female rock stars in the 80s, arguably the most misogynistic times of rock n roll so I don't know of time where rock star purely represented males.
Rock star and ninja aren't particularly gendered. What I was getting at was the trend a while ago for describing developers as something extraordinary, like "10x" or "guru" or something. The "superman" part was the gendered part. I was trying to convey that while I didn't like that type of term in general, it was the specific instance of being gendered that made it seem too much.
If we can't flip the genders and still be comfortable with the sentence, then something's up with it, and I think most people would find a title like, "10 ways to be Supergirl with Javascript" to seem clunky.
Oh my bad. Apologies, I misunderstood. Yes I agree with you on the superman part and the whole idea behind that "10x" trend.
Yeah I agree on that. I have updated the title name though. Supergirls are awesome by the way!
Great, but why "supergirls" and not "superwomen"? I see that at least you managed to use the latter in your revised title, but in your comments you're not demonstrating much awareness of the issue being raised here.
I'd recommend against all the click-bait superlatives and "we're all trying to be rock-star devs" nonsense. I gave up reading the article as soon as I got to "fullstack ninja". I came to the comments to say as much and saw someone already had.
For those who don't want to conform to the gendered, macho stereotypes you're perpetuating it is all very off-putting.
Man! Every woman is a girl too. Why you people are hell-bent on proving someone wrong?
I'm amazed you didn't get "cancelled" from the internet. These whiney ass people have far too much time on their hands.
Well, if we take the literal Japanese term of ninja, it is gendered ;) A female ninja is called kunoichi :)
Wuhooo. Thanks for info. I will use this term in future posts.
Oh it's not like that. I just included the word 'Superman' to get maximum traction. Otherwise I think superman or superwoman both are equal and amazing.
FWIW, if you're after traction, there are people like me who will stop reading after the launch of the first traction-seeking missile :)
But I have updated the title. I think that makes sense.
Nah, that doesn't make sense for unicorns like the complainer who just wanna troll or push some "gender" agenda as far as they can, so I urge u (yeah, I know it might be too late) to completely ignore these BS complaints.
I giggled at this one a little. XD
Hahaha. You can laugh too but that's how content writing works.
BTW updated the title.
Agreed. Superhero is a simple non-gendered replacement for the title. But so is rockstar. I was going to say "ninja" too but now I know that is a male gender name for someone of those skills after reading further in the comments.
Regardless, thanks for sharing the free tutorial info!
how is this a valid critic? you completely ignored the content... the title was obviously meant as a joke...
Get over yourself dude. These are community provided works, and free. If you are looking for malice and to be offended, you'll always find it.
Yep all projects are free!!!
Don't strain your forehead raising that eyebrow...
Be proud of your incredibly petty complaint. But if a women is turned away from programming because she doesn't like the use of a fictional male figure in place of a fictional female ane, then she doesn't have the logical thinking skills to be interested in this field.
And to be honest, I doubt many women have a problem with what you're complaining about. They either want to learn about this topic, so they look into it. Or they don't, so they don't.
This is a pretty misogynistic attitude tbh.
On the contrary. I think women are mature enough to look past such petty details. They wouldn't let something as benign as a fictional characters gender get in the way of them perusing their interests.
I am glad you feel confident speaking for how women should and will react to stuff.
Are you suggesting they aren't as competent as I believe? Sounds pretty misogynistic to me...
Noooo. Woman are great specially programmmer Gals!!!
FWIW your original title was fine, although "Superhero" would have probably side-stepped the whole thing. But troll dudes speaking on behalf of all women... Fuck that noise. Tech's got enough issues without codebros lifting their leg and peeing on everything.
@lshem16 could you shut the fuck up...
I'm glad there are still people like @Tohzt that speak the truth and doesn't get offended by the mention of a character... maybe you don't want to be a Superman, that's okay, but don't you insult everybody else...
@lshem16 you're the troll here...
Thanks bro. I don't know why people would assume things about people and ignore the context.
Haha. Your comment can create controversies.
That's fine. Doesn't take much heat to melt a snowflake 🤷♂️
As a woman it is your whole attitude Tohtz that makes working with a person like you not possible. I bet you when you work with women you set standards that you can't even meet. You think that by being a jerk you are being equitable and that you are tough. No you are not. In this case, there is nothing wrong with pointing out to include women. A lot of us like the fact that we are women especially in a field that was first mainly female. The only snowflake are boys like you who feel the need to pretend they know what women will be offended by. Asking for an honorable mention IS not a political offense.
Congratulations on making assumptions so you have something to complain about. Tell me, what standards do I set for others that I can't meet myself?
If a women wants to read an article about tips on progressing with full-stack development, she would not be deterred because the title mentioned superman and not superwoman... It's rather petty to say otherwise, and quite a disrespectful statement about women.
Keep in mind, this is a topic within the context of programming. A paradigm that requires logical thinking. And bitching about the genitals in a fake clickbait superhero does not make for a logical train of thought.
I studied computer science with plenty of women. They were badass individuals who loved programming. Not really the type to let something this insignificant get in their way.
Yeah I agree on that man but what can we do with the people. They will keep poking their nose in irrelevant matters.
Ahan. That was not that much serious gal! I have included women too in the title. I have been working with Gals in the programming and one of them is my role model too.
Saeed: if you post articles that perpetuate the idea that the dev industry is the preserve of some special elite (or people aiming to be part of it): be it code bros'; superheros; ninjas; whatever... whether intentionally or not you are part of a problem. The fact that you are backing up someone making overtly misogynistic comments also doesn't do you any favours.
You're posting on a public forum; so expect people to "poke their nose in" when you cross a fairly obvious line. People are not simply trying to "prove you wrong"; they're trying to educate you.
If it's not obvious to you why, and you're not willing to learn from others, then take some responsibility and educate yourself. Find out why using diminutives ("girls", "gals" etc.) to talk about women - whilst you use superlatives to talk about a largely male contingent - has for some an exclusionary effect. Discover why humility, patience and understanding are far better personality traits to cultivate for a developer than striving to become a ninja, superhero fullstack dev.
Yeah that's completely okay and I appreciate that. I am not on anyone's side. I was just trying to justify that if I didn't include SUPERWOMAN in my title, that was not intentional. Hope you will try to understand my point as well. Now this discussion is completely out of context. My intention was to give beginners a list of tutorials and that's successful. If you can see I have also used the words SUPERWOMAN in the title and you can see my other comments too how I interact with women. So, you are correct in your stance too but I expect you to my understand my point as well.
Ben, the only ones with the "overtly misogynistic comments" are the ones saying that women aren't capable of going after what they want unless there is a female mentioned in the title.. Your white-knighting and virtue-signaling are not only pathetic but disrespectful to women.
Bitch about something that's actually problematic. And have a bit more confidence in women. They are as capable as men in many ways. If something interests me, I'm not going to let the word 'princess' in the article header stop me. Nor will a woman who's interested in the content of this article be thwarted by the word 'superman'. Your petty nonsense helps no one. Your desire to believe that women are inferior is counter to the message you pretend to stand for.
Do better.
Tohzt. Where did I say that women aren't capable of going after what they want?
I'm just suggesting that we can make the industry more welcoming if we tone down the overtly macho language. If I'm being disrespectful to women by suggesting that then I'll apologise: but I want to hear it from an established member of this community and not someone who - from what I can see - joined with the sole intent of trolling this thread.
You said:
So by implication you're saying that there are some ways in which women aren't as capable as men? That looks like an overtly misogynistic comment to me...
You can read a woman's view on this topic in Technically wrong; and there are plenty of other women rightly complaining about the male-centric language used in the dev community.
I like how they tagged this comment as non-constructive. Made my day
I honestly don't know why anyone would want to be a fullstack dev. I worked for multiple unicorns, I worked for start ups where there was an abundance of work to be done. In both cases full stack devs are always pushed to play with the mediocre, boring parts of both worlds. "oh here you go, set up this api while we experiment with all the cool stuff in the backend". And in both cases fullstacks were paid less because they don't need to have as much critical thinking skills as all in backend. I certainly agree that every dev should have full stack skills, it really helps when you are experimenting with stuff, or simply building your own company. Being able to bootstrap your product is a huge plus. I wouldn't do it with any of the languages mentioned here but yeah :) and don't get me wrong, I am not saying as developers they are inferior or anything. I just would never apply to a fullstack position because of the scope of their duties
You're absolutely correct, sticking to a stack and become the best is better.
Yeah I think focus should be on one language at both stacks. It's a better decision in the long run.
If you focus on one point in the stack, you can pivot more easily. Swapping from dotnet core to spring boot for backend is way easier than swapping languages and frameworks for both your api and UI.
Absolutely correct
Yeah Donovan. You are correct..
Nice article, but none of these tutorials teach you superhuman strength or speed though ;)
I think if you do even a single end-to-end project you are more confident in presenting your skills then. Also, these are for beginners. So, you can relate.
Well I'm beginner to think someone's salty lol
Oh that's cool though.
Thanks, @saeeddev . I'm glad you found these freeCodeCamp video tutorials so helpful. Thanks for helping raise awareness of them.
We publish new full-length courses each week on our nonprofit's YouTube channel. We just passed the 1.5 million subscriber mark this week, too.
Everything's free and there are no ads, either. I hope you all find these helpful in your coding journey.
Thank you so much @ossia . You are inspiration for me and millions of devs like me. You are a great teacher and a person too. I have a great wish to talk with you. May be I can come across a chance to speak to you. Thank you so much for commenting here.
I swear "Superhero" would have worked just fine, if not better.
This is a good article by the way. Although I would still feel horrible about myself if I'm not able to complete all these projects in less than a month, thus I'm not good enough.
Your wording is really really interesting
You can bro...Just start with easiest one or with which you are more comfortable...Then let us know about your journey...We are here for your help...
lol nvm
What? Why? It gives you a full No-SQL database and serverless functions out of the box. It's a fully-managed full-stack setup. You CAN ignore the backend and just use the web libraries, but you can also build a full set of Flask or Express microservices on top. It's awesome.
I guess it's best but for beginners. And it make you a bit lazy too. You cannot understand backend completely until you endure the pains of setting it up manually. Thanks for your comment too.
Yeah. But it's good for beginners. The list contains projects which use MySQL and MongoDB as well. So, that makes sense I guess. To start with Firebase and then move on to conventional DBs.
Why no Spring Boot? Clearly it's one of the most used RDFs in n use today.
You can have look at the below playlist, it's about building a full stack Reddit clone with spring boot and angular.
Note that this series is not complete yet.
I have another playlist which is completed.
Building a simple blog with spring boot and angular
Yeah. But I though according to a new person who is learning backend. So, I think he should be comfortable with Django, Flask and NodeJS. After that he can pick up Spring Boot.
Thx for this! This is really what I wanted. Helped A LOT.
Can I translate in Korean this post? If you don't mind, I wanna share this awesome post in Korean. Surely, There will be a linke directing to this original post.
When the actual title have more comments than the content.
Yeah. Priorities of people matter.
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