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KALI LINUX: Common Commands that you should know : PART 2

Commands to know

  1. PART 1
  2. PART 2
  • There are 2 types of users:
  • Normal users - denoted by $ in the terminal
  • Root user - denoted by # in the terminal

Add users using:

kali >useradd - adds new users BUT gives shell as sh instead bash , doesnt prompt for details/info about the user, doesn't create a home directory for the new user
kali >adduser - DOES ALL OF THE ABOVE for a new user

List users using:

kali >cat /etc/passwd- lists users, their unique id, group id(gid), home directory, shell
kali >cat /etc/shadow-

Modify users using:

kali >usermod ironman --shell /bin/bash- changes the users' shell to bash
kali >usermod -l tonystark ironman- changes user from ironman to tonystark

Switch users using:

kali >su - ironman

Delete users using:

kali >userdel evans-
kali >deluser evans-

Create/add group using:

kali >groupadd theavengers-

List groups using:

kali >cat /etc/group-
kali >groups- lists what groups the current user is in

Add user to a group using:

kali >usermod -aG theavengers evans- appends the user evans to the group theavengers

Removes user from a group using:

kali >gpasswd -d evans theavengers-

Delete a group using:

kali >groupdel theavengers

rm -rf/* (force remove of a directory and all contents in it recursively)

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