My routine:
- Wake up - Open terminal
- Getting bored - Open terminal
- Free time? - Open terminal
- Before sleep - Open terminal
I am always a fan of CLI, it can be either using a git, ssh into VM, navigating to files, tmux, DB operations, docker commands, etc. (except using VIM - I am really scared when someone talks about or opens VIM 🥲)
I love, live, and spent years in the terminal. So, I really love to beautify that.
For the past 5 years, I was using iterm2 with oh my zsh and cobalt theme by wesbos.
Here is my post in on 2018 -
It was a really good experience. But I recently found a new theme called ‘Wild-cherry’. I am in love with that.
Here is my new setup -
To install:
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