DEV Community

Madhavam Saxena
Madhavam Saxena

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Brief Overview of Higher Level Kubernetes Objects

They can be understood as Kubernetes plugins that allow us to maintain the versions of PODS and help us to rollback to the previous version in case of POD crash.

  1. Replication set :
    Provides us with the facility of auto scaling and auto healing.

  2. Deployment :
    Another K8s higher level object used for maintaining the versions of PODs which in long term helps in the process of rollback and recovery.

  3. Services :
    This helps in assigning static IP addresses to PODs and perform other networking actions over them.

  4. Volume :
    This provides ephemeral storage to PODS which even persist after crashing of PODS.

For single cloud like AWS commands generally start with kubectl
For on premises command starts with kubeadm
For hybrid clouds, kubefed is used, which stands for kube federation.
A container can be declared in both imperative and declarative form.
Declarative is when you declare the requirements of a container in a yaml file whereas Imperative is when you manually create a container using CLI commands.

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