DEV Community

Mohamed Shafnas
Mohamed Shafnas

Posted on

PDFToImage PDF Box

Hi, I am working on a project where I want to convert the pdf file pages into png images then I am compressing the images using the imagemin with imageminpngquant plugin. the process is working fine when I am using the following command line code from the node js.

pdfConvert = spawn('java', [
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but when I want to convert only specfic pages I am using the following code and the image is also getting converted but while compressing it is showing cannot decode image for some images.

for (let i = 0; i < requiredPages.length; i++) {
                        // split the page ranges 
                        const range = requiredPages[i].trim().split('-');
                        const startPage = range[0];
                        const endPage = range[1] ? range[1] : range[0];

                        // console.log(`range -> ${range}`);
                        // console.log(`requiredPages -> ${requiredPages[i]}`);

                        pdfConvert = spawn('java', [

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I am using the loop in this case.

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