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Mungai Keren
Mungai Keren

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Why taking that bug break is important.

A software BUG is an error, a flaw or a fault in a computer program that makes it not to run as expected. Believe it or not some bugs are ‘nice’ they are the reasons as to why some of the applications created have certain features that you’ll hear the developer saying “I don’t know why this piece of code works, but without it, it doesn’t work!” In any case, some bugs could be documented. So do documented bugs become features?

Well, bugs are undesired, frustrating, gross! They can lead to head-slapping embarrassment, desk-pounding frustration, The OMG moments…or a gnawing realization that you’re not learning from your old mistakes. All of those are key moments in the growth path of any developer. They can be the pause that refreshes the product. A serious bug can take a lot of time and effort to track down and if nothing else they stop the “new feature” race, long enough for everyone to breathe a little, and think about some refactoring, testing/debugging/monitoring infrastructure, and the like.

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

An error could be as a result of anything, typos, poor design login, communication failure, lack of skilled testing, mention them all. Some bugs are easy to deal with, well as you run your code the terminal throws an error could be a 400 or 500 error and StackOverflow could get you covered, but other errors are complicated. Have you found yourself in a situation where the smartest debugger in the room can’t figure out what is wrong with your code and they even say that they have never seen anything like that before? Trust me if you are working on a deadline, you’ll freak out!
Here are some of the reasons as to why taking that break when it gets buggy is important.

  1. Enhances productivity. Productiveness at work is one of the key things that you want to achieve at your work. A bug could be a barrier to that and you don’t want to be disappointed with coding especially when learning it. Every time you take that 5-minute toilet break or grab a coffee at the java house when you have a bug could save you a million. You’ll come back refreshed and less anxious about it.

  2. _*Improves code quality. *_One of the most important things to developers is writing quality code. Code that is reusable, can be well maintained, readable and one that is not prone to errors. Now this calls out loud for testing. Taking a break from the errored code could call for better methods to write it and the code actually becomes better.

  3. Helps you socialize. Some developers are well-known to be introverts. Taking too much time on your computer could cause you a breakdown especially when you are burnt out! So you better checkout. Go talk to that new colleague at your company and show them around. You could save a friend on a rainy day.

  4. Makes you ‘fall in love with coding.’ I don’t know about you but the feeling that accompanies a solving error is sensational. It makes you feel there’s progress that you are making towards becoming a better programmer. In fact, passion is developed and one likes it when the challenge goes on and on, and you become the hard nutcracker!

  5. Saves time. Some bugs take a relatively huge amount of time to solve than others. This could be dependent on various factors; a senior developer could be in a position to know when something is about to go wrong than a junior developer. Depending on the intensity of the bug, one could take a whole hour trying to figure out what is wrong. At the same time, you could take 2 minutes to identify and solve a bug if you took a break.
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  6. Makes you become ‘the debugger.’ I learnt how to code in a Bootcamp and one of the things that made one outstanding is being able to debug someone else’s code. Well, once you face an obstacle and overcome it and you walk around the room debugging other people's code not only helps you understand the problem more but you get an opportunity to learn different other methods of solving the same problem.

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