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Emmanuel Munyite
Emmanuel Munyite

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Space Invaders Game with Python (Part3: Aliens)


See Part 1
See Part 2
In the previous parts, we saw how to begin using pygame, how to work with classes, and we created the Alien Invasion Game class that was responsible for running the game, we also added a ship image to our game, and added some functionality to allow us to control our ship. Then we added bullets to our ship, added functionality of firing bullets etc.In today's tutorial, we will be adding aliens, allowing the aliens to move, and adding other features that will make our game more realistic like shooting down aliens etc.

Placing one alien on the screen will be like placing a ship on the screen. Each
alien’s behavior is controlled by a class called Alien, which we’ll structure
like the Ship class. Choose the image you'll be using in your project and store it in your images folder.

Creating the aliens class

Now we’ll write the Alien class and save it as

import pygame
from pygame.sprite import Sprite

class Alien(Sprite):
    """A class to represent a single alien in the fleet."""

    def __init__(self, ai_game):
        """Initialize the alien and set its starting position."""


        self.screen = ai_game.screen

        # Load the alien image and set its rect attribute.
        self.image = pygame.image.load('images/alien.bmp')
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()

        # Start each new alien near the top left of the screen.
        self.rect.x = self.rect.width
        self.rect.y = self.rect.height

        # Store the alien's exact horizontal position.
        self.x = float(self.rect.x)
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Most of this class is like the Ship class except for the aliens’ placement
on the screen. We initially place each alien near the top-left corner of
the screen; we add a space to the left of it that’s equal to the alien’s width
and a space above it equal to its height so it’s easy to see. We’re mainly
concerned with the aliens’ horizontal speed, so we’ll track the horizontal
position of each alien precisely.

This Alien class doesn’t need a method for drawing it to the screen;
instead, we’ll use a Pygame group method that automatically draws all the
elements of a group to the screen.

Creating an instance of an alien

We want to create an instance of Alien so we can see the first alien on
the screen. Because it’s part of our setup work, we’ll add the code for this
instance at the end of the init() method in AlienInvasion. Eventually,
we’ll create an entire fleet of aliens, which will be quite a bit of work,
so we’ll make a new helper method called _create_fleet().
I’ll place _create_fleet() just before the
_update_screen() method, but anywhere in AlienInvasion will work. First, we’ll
import the Alien class.
Here are the updated import statements for

from bullet import Bullet
from alien import Alien

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The updated init method:

def __init__(self):
    self.ship = Ship(self)
    self.bullets = pygame.sprite.Group()
    self.aliens = pygame.sprite.Group()
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We create a group to hold the fleet of aliens, and we call _create_fleet(),
which follows below.

def _create_fleet(self):
    """Create the fleet of aliens."""
    # Make an alien.
    alien = Alien(self)
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In this method, we’re creating one instance of Alien, and then adding it
to the group that will hold the fleet. The alien will be placed in the default
upper-left area of the screen, which is perfect for the first alien.

To make the alien appear, we need to call the group’s draw() method in

def _update_screen(self):
    for bullet in self.bullets.sprites():



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When you call draw() on a group, Pygame draws each element in the
group at the position defined by its rect attribute. The draw() method
requires one argument: a surface on which to draw the elements from the
When you run the game now in, you shoud see the first alien displayed on the screen

Building the Alien fleet

To draw a fleet, we need to figure out how many aliens can fit across the
screen and how many rows of aliens can fit down the screen. We’ll first fig-
ure out the horizontal spacing between aliens and create a row; then we’ll
determine the vertical spacing and create an entire fleet.

Determining How Many Aliens Fit in a Row

To figure out how many aliens fit in a row, let’s look at how much horizontal
space we have. The screen width is stored in settings.screen_width, but we
need an empty margin on either side of the screen. We’ll make this margin
the width of one alien. Because we have two margins, the available space for
aliens is the screen width minus two alien widths:

available_space_x = settings.screen_width – (2 * alien_width)

We also need to set the spacing between aliens; we’ll make it one alien
width. The space needed to display one alien is twice its width: one width
for the alien and one width for the empty space to its right. To find the
number of aliens that fit across the screen, we divide the available space by
two times the width of an alien. We use floor division (//), which divides two
numbers and drops any remainder, so we’ll get an integer number of aliens:

number_aliens_x = available_space_x // (2 * alien_width)

Creating a Row of Aliens

We’re ready to generate a full row of aliens. Because our code for making
a single alien works, we’ll rewrite _create_fleet() to make a whole row of

def _create_fleet(self):
    """Create the fleet of aliens."""

    # Create an alien and find the number of aliens in a row.
    # Spacing between each alien is equal to one alien width.
    alien = Alien(self)
    alien_width = alien.rect.width
    available_space_x = self.settings.screen_width - (2 * alien_width)
    number_aliens_x = available_space_x // (2 * alien_width)

    # Create the first row of aliens.
    for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):

        # Create an alien and place it in the row.
        alien = Alien(self)
        alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number
        alien.rect.x = alien.x
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We’ve already thought through most of this code. We need to know the
alien’s width and height to place aliens, so we create an alien before
we perform calculations. This alien won’t be part of the fleet, so don’t add
it to the group aliens. Then we get the alien’s width from its rect attribute
and store this value in alien_width so we don’t have to keep working through
the rect attribute. Then we calculate the horizontal space available for aliens
and the number of aliens that can fit into that space.
Next, we set up a loop that counts from 0 to the number of aliens we
need to make. In the main body of the loop, we create a new alien and
then set its x-coordinate value to place it in the row. Each alien is pushed
to the right one alien width from the left margin. Next, we multiply the
alien width by 2 to account for the space each alien takes up, including the
empty space to its right, and we multiply this amount by the alien’s position
in the row. We use the alien’s x attribute to set the position of its rect. Then
we add each new alien to the group aliens.

When you run Alien Invasion now, you should see the first row of aliens.
The first row is offset to the left, which is actually good for gameplay.
The reason is that we want the fleet to move right until it hits the edge
of the screen, then drop down a bit, then move left, and so forth. Like the
classic game Space Invaders, this movement is more interesting than having
the fleet drop straight down. We’ll continue this motion until all aliens are
shot down or until an alien hits the ship or the bottom of the screen.

Refactoring _create_fleet()

If the code we’ve written so far was all we need to create a fleet, we’d prob-
ably leave _create_fleet() as is. But we have more work to do, so let’s clean
up the method a bit. We’ll add a new helper method, _create_alien(), and
call it from _create_fleet():

def _create_fleet(self):

    # Create the first row of aliens.
    for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):

def _create_alien(self, alien_number):
    """Create an alien and place it in the row."""

    alien = Alien(self)
    alien_width = alien.rect.width
    alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number
    alien.rect.x = alien.x

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The method _create_alien() requires one parameter in addition to self:
it needs the alien number that’s currently being created. We use the same
body we made for _create_fleet() except that we get the width of an alien
inside the method instead of passing it as an argument. This refactoring
will make it easier to add new rows and create an entire fleet.

Adding Rows

To finish the fleet, we’ll determine the number of rows that fit on the screen
and then repeat the loop for creating the aliens in one row until we have
the correct number of rows. To determine the number of rows, we find the
available vertical space by subtracting the alien height from the top, the ship
height from the bottom, and two alien heights from the bottom of the screen:

available_space_y = settings.screen_height – (3 * alien_height) – ship_height

The result will create some empty space above the ship, so the player
has some time to start shooting aliens at the beginning of each level.
Each row needs some empty space below it, which we’ll make equal to the
height of one alien. To find the number of rows, we divide the available space
by two times the height of an alien. We use floor division because we can only
make an integer number of rows.

number_rows = available_height_y // (2 * alien_height)

Now that we know how many rows fit in a fleet, we can repeat the code
for creating a row:

def _create_fleet(self):
    alien = Alien(self)
    alien_width, alien_height = alien.rect.size
    available_space_x = self.settings.screen_width - (2 * alien_width)
    number_aliens_x = available_space_x // (2 * alien_width)

    # Determine the number of rows of aliens that fit on the screen.
    ship_height = self.ship.rect.height
    available_space_y = (self.settings.screen_height - (3 * alien_height) - ship_height)

    number_rows = available_space_y // (2 * alien_height)

    # Create the full fleet of aliens.
    for row_number in range(number_rows):
        for alien_number in range(number_aliens_x):
            self._create_alien(alien_number, row_number)

def _create_alien(self, alien_number, row_number):
    """Create an alien and place it in the row."""

    alien = Alien(self)
    alien_width, alien_height = alien.rect.size
    alien.x = alien_width + 2 * alien_width * alien_number
    alien.rect.x = alien.x
    alien.rect.y = alien.rect.height + 2 * alien.rect.height * row_number
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We need the width and height of an alien, so at we use the attribute
size, which contains a tuple with the width and height of a rect object. To
calculate the number of rows we can fit on the screen, we write our available
_space_y calculation right after the calculation for available_space_x. The
calculation is wrapped in parentheses so the outcome can be split over two
lines, which results in lines of 79 characters or less.

To create multiple rows, we use two nested loops: one outer and one
inner loop. The inner loop creates the aliens in one row. The outer loop
counts from 0 to the number of rows we want; Python uses the code for
making a single row and repeats it number_rows times.

To nest the loops, write the new for loop and indent the code you want
to repeat. Now when we call _create_alien(), we
include an argument for the row number so each row can be placed farther
down the screen.
The definition of _create_alien() needs a parameter to hold the row
number. Within _create_alien(), we change an alien’s y-coordinate value
when it’s not in the first row by starting with one alien’s height to c­reate
empty space at the top of the screen. Each row starts two alien heights below
the previous row, so we multiply the alien height by two and then by the row
number. The first row number is 0, so the vertical placement of the first row
is unchanged. All subsequent rows are placed further down the screen.
When you run the game now, you should see a full fleet of aliens.

Making the Fleet Move

Now let’s make the fleet of aliens move to the right across the screen until
it hits the edge, and then make it drop a set amount and move in the other
direction. We’ll continue this movement until either all aliens have been shot down or
one collides with the ship, or one reaches the bottom of the screen. Let’s
begin by making the fleet move to the right.

Moving the Aliens Right

To move the aliens, we’ll use an update() method in, which we’ll
call for each alien in the group of aliens. First, add a setting to control the
speed of each alien:

def __init__(self):
    # Alien settings
    self.alien_speed = 1.0
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Then use this setting to implement update():

def __init__(self, ai_game):
    """Initialize the alien and set its starting position."""

    self.screen = ai_game.screen
    self.settings = ai_game.settings

def update(self):
    """Move the alien to the right."""

    self.x += self.settings.alien_speed
    self.rect.x = self.x

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We create a settings parameter in init() so we can access the alien’s
speed in update(). Each time we update an alien’s position, we move it to the
right by the amount stored in alien_speed. We track the alien’s exact position
with the self.x attribute, which can hold decimal values. We then use the
value of self.x to update the position of the alien’s rect.
In the main while loop, we already have calls to update the ship and
bullet positions. Now we’ll add a call to update the position of each alien
as well:

while True:

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We’re about to write some code to manage the movement of the fleet,
so we create a new method called _update_aliens(). We set the aliens’ posi-
tions to update after the bullets have been updated, because we’ll soon be
checking to see whether any bullets hit any aliens.
Where you place this method in the module is not critical. But to
keep the code organized, we’ll place it just after _update_bullets() to match
the order of method calls in the while loop. Here’s the first version of

def _update_aliens(self):
    """Update the positions of all aliens in the fleet."""

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We use the update() method on the aliens group, which calls each
alien’s update() method. When you run Alien Invasion now, you should see
the fleet move right and disappear off the side of the screen.

Creating Settings for Fleet Direction

Now we’ll create the settings that will make the fleet move down the screen
and to the left when it hits the right edge of the screen. Here’s how to imple-
ment this behavior:

# Alien settings
self.alien_speed = 1.0
self.fleet_drop_speed = 10

# fleet_direction of 1 represents right; -1 represents left.
self.fleet_direction = 1
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The setting fleet_drop_speed controls how quickly the fleet drops down
the screen each time an alien reaches either edge. It’s helpful to separate
this speed from the aliens’ horizontal speed so you can adjust the two
speeds independently.
To implement the setting fleet_direction, we could use a text value, such
as 'left' or 'right', but we’d end up with if-elif statements testing for the
fleet direction. Instead, because we have only two directions to deal with,
let’s use the values 1 and −1, and switch between them each time the fleet
changes direction. (Using numbers also makes sense because moving right
involves adding to each alien’s x-coordinate value, and moving left involves
subtracting from each alien’s x-coordinate value.)

Checking Whether an Alien Has Hit the Edge

We need a method to check whether an alien is at either edge, and we need
to modify update() to allow each alien to move in the appropriate direction.
This code is part of the Alien class:

def check_edges(self):
    """Return True if alien is at edge of screen."""

    screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()
    if self.rect.right >= screen_rect.right or self.rect.left <= 0:
        return True

def update(self):
    """Move the alien right or left."""

    self.x += (self.settings.alien_speed *
    self.rect.x = self.x
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We can call the new method check_edges() on any alien to see whether
it’s at the left or right edge. The alien is at the right edge if the right attribute of its rect is greater than or equal to the right attribute of the screen’srect.
It’s at the left edge if its left value is less than or equal to 0 .
We modify the method update() to allow motion to the left or right
by multiplying the alien’s speed by the value of fleet_direction. If fleet
_direction is 1, the value of alien_speed will be added to the alien’s current
position, moving the alien to the right; if fleet_direction is −1, the value
will be subtracted from the alien’s position, moving the alien to the left.

Dropping the Fleet and Changing Direction

When an alien reaches the edge, the entire fleet needs to drop down and
change direction. Therefore, we need to add some code to AlienInvasion
because that’s where we’ll check whether any aliens are at the left or right
edge. We’ll make this happen by writing the methods _check_fleet_edges()
and _change_fleet_direction(), and then modifying _update_aliens().

def _check_fleet_edges(self):
    """Respond appropriately if any aliens have reached an edge."""

    for alien in self.aliens.sprites():
        if alien.check_edges():

def _change_fleet_direction(self):
    """Drop the entire fleet and change the fleet's direction."""

    for alien in self.aliens.sprites():
        alien.rect.y += self.settings.fleet_drop_speed
    self.settings.fleet_direction *= -1
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In _check_fleet_edges(), we loop through the fleet and call check_edges()
on each alien. If check_edges() returns True, we know an alien is at an
edge and the whole fleet needs to change direction; so we call _change_fleet
_direction() and break out of the loop v. In _change_fleet_direction(), we
loop through all the aliens and drop each one using the setting fleet_drop
_speed; then we change the value of fleet_direction by multiplying its cur-
rent value by −1. The line that changes the fleet’s direction isn’t part of the
for loop. We want to change each alien’s vertical position, but we only want
to change the direction of the fleet once.

changes to _update_aliens():

def _update_aliens(self):
    Check if the fleet is at an edge,
    then update the positions of all aliens in the fleet.
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We’ve modified the method by calling _check_fleet_edges() before
updating each alien’s position.
When you run the game now, the fleet should move back and forth
between the edges of the screen and drop down every time it hits an edge.
Now we can start shooting down aliens and watch for any aliens that hit the
ship or reach the bottom of the screen.

Shooting Aliens

We’ve built our ship and a fleet of aliens, but when the bullets reach the
aliens, they simply pass through because we aren’t checking for collisions. In
game programming, collisions happen when game elements overlap. To make
the bullets shoot down aliens, we’ll use the method sprite.groupcollide() to
look for collisions between members of two groups.

Detecting Bullet Collisions

We want to know right away when a bullet hits an alien so we can make an
alien disappear as soon as it’s hit. To do this, we’ll look for collisions immediately after updating the position of all the bullets.
The sprite.groupcollide() function compares the rects of each element
in one group with the rects of each element in another group. In this case,
it compares each bullet’s rect with each alien’s rect and returns a diction-
ary containing the bullets and aliens that have collided. Each key in the
dictionary will be a bullet, and the corresponding value will be the alien that
was hit.
Add the following code to the end of _update_bullets() to check for collisions between bullets and aliens:
def _update_bullets(self):
    """Update position of bullets and get rid of old bullets."""

    # Check for any bullets that have hit aliens.
    #If so, get rid of the bullet and the alien.

    collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(
    self.bullets, self.aliens, True, True)
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The new code we added compares the positions of all the bullets in
self.bullets and all the aliens in self.aliens, and identifies any that overlap.
Whenever the rects of a bullet and alien overlap, groupcollide() adds a key-
value pair to the dictionary it returns. The two True arguments tell Pygame
to delete the bullets and aliens that have collided. (To make a high-powered
bullet that can travel to the top of the screen, destroying every alien in its
path, you could set the first Boolean argument to False and keep the second
Boolean argument set to True. The aliens hit would disappear, but all bullets
would stay active until they disappeared off the top of the screen.)
When you run Alien Invasion now, aliens you hit should disappear.

Repopulating the Fleet

One key feature of Alien Invasion is that the aliens are relentless: every time
the fleet is destroyed, a new fleet should appear.
To make a new fleet of aliens appear after a fleet has been destroyed,
we first check whether the aliens group is empty. If it is, we make a call
to _create_fleet(). We’ll perform this check at the end of _update_bullets(),
because that’s where individual aliens are destroyed.

def _update_bullets(self):

    if not self.aliens:
        # Destroy existing bullets and create new fleet.
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We check whether the aliens group is empty. An empty group evaluates to False, so this is a simple way to check whether the group is empty.
If it is, we get rid of any existing bullets by using the empty() method, which
removes all the remaining sprites from a group. We also call _create
_fleet(), which fills the screen with aliens again.
Now a new fleet appears as soon as you destroy the current fleet.

Speeding Up the Bullets

If you’ve tried firing at the aliens in the game’s current state, you might find
that the bullets aren’t traveling at the best speed for gameplay. They might
be a little slow on your system or way too fast. At this point, you can modify
the settings to make the gameplay interesting and enjoyable on your system.
We modify the speed of the bullets by adjusting the value of bullet_speed
in On my system, I’ll adjust the value of bullet_speed to 1.5, so the
bullets travel a little faster:

# Bullet settings
self.bullet_speed = 1.5
self.bullet_width = 3
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The best value for this setting depends on your system’s speed, so find a
value that works for you. You can adjust other settings as well.

Refactoring _update_bullets()

Let’s refactor _update_bullets() so it’s not doing so many different tasks.
We’ll move the code for dealing with bullet and alien collisions to a sepa-
rate method:

def _update_bullets(self):
    # Get rid of bullets that have disappeared.
    for bullet in self.bullets.copy():
        if bullet.rect.bottom <= 0:


def _check_bullet_alien_collisions(self):
    """Respond to bullet-alien collisions."""
    # Remove any bullets and aliens that have collided.
    collisions = pygame.sprite.groupcollide(
    self.bullets, self.aliens, True, True)

    if not self.aliens:
        # Destroy existing bullets and create new fleet.
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We’ve created a new method, _check_bullet_alien_collisions(), to look
for collisions between bullets and aliens, and to respond appropriately if
the entire fleet has been destroyed. Doing so keeps _update_bullets() from
growing too long and simplifies further development.

Ending the game

What’s the fun and challenge in a game if you can’t lose? If the player
doesn’t shoot down the fleet quickly enough, we’ll have the aliens destroy
the ship when they make contact. At the same time, we’ll limit the number
of ships a player can use, and we’ll destroy the ship when an alien reaches
the bottom of the screen. The game will end when the player has used up
all their ships.

Detecting Alien and Ship Collisions

We’ll start by checking for collisions between aliens and the ship so we
can respond appropriately when an alien hits it. We’ll check for alien and
ship collisions immediately after updating the position of each alien in

def _update_aliens(self):

    # Look for alien-ship collisions.
    if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.ship, self.aliens):
        print("Ship hit!!!")
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The spritecollideany() function takes two arguments: a sprite and a
group. The function looks for any member of the group that has collided
with the sprite and stops looping through the group as soon as it finds one
member that has collided with the sprite. Here, it loops through the group
aliens and returns the first alien it finds that has collided with ship.
If no collisions occur, spritecollideany() returns None and the if block
won’t execute. If it finds an alien that has collided with the ship, it
returns that alien and the if block executes: it prints Ship hit!!!. When an
alien hits the ship, we’ll need to do a number of tasks: we’ll need to delete
all remaining aliens and bullets, recenter the ship, and create a new fleet.
Before we write code to do all this, we need to know that our approach for
detecting alien and ship collisions works correctly. Writing a print() call is a
simple way to ensure we’re detecting these collisions properly.
Now when you run Alien Invasion, the message Ship hit!!! should appear
in the terminal whenever an alien runs into the ship. When you’re testing
this feature, set alien_drop_speed to a higher value, such as 50 or 100, so the
aliens reach your ship faster.

Responding to Alien and Ship Collisions

Now we need to figure out exactly what will happen when an alien collides
with the ship. Instead of destroying the ship instance and creating a new
one, we’ll count how many times the ship has been hit by tracking statistics
for the game. Tracking statistics will also be useful for scoring.
Let’s write a new class, GameStats, to track game statistics, and save it as
class GameStats:
    """Track statistics for Alien Invasion."""

    def __init__(self, ai_game):
    """Initialize statistics."""

        self.settings = ai_game.settings

    def reset_stats(self):
        """Initialize statistics that can change during the game."""

        self.ships_left = self.settings.ship_limit
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We’ll make one GameStats instance for the entire time Alien Invasion is
running. But we’ll need to reset some statistics each time the player starts
a new game. To do this, we’ll initialize most of the statistics in the reset
stats() method instead of directly in __init(). We’ll call this method
from __init
_() so the statistics are set properly when the GameStats instance
is first created. But we’ll also be able to call reset_stats() any time the
player starts a new game.

Right now we have only one statistic, ships_left, the value of which will
change throughout the game. The number of ships the player starts with
should be stored in as ship_limit:

# Ship settings
self.ship_speed = 1.5
self.ship_limit = 3
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We also need to make a few changes in to create an
instance of GameStats. First, we’ll update the import statements at the top of
the file:

import sys
from time import sleep
import pygame
from settings import Settings
from game_stats import GameStats
from ship import Ship

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We import the sleep() function from the time module in the Python
standard library so we can pause the game for a moment when the ship is
hit. We also import GameStats.
We’ll create an instance of GameStats in init():

def __init__(self):
    self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
    (self.settings.screen_width, self.settings.screen_height))
    pygame.display.set_caption("Alien Invasion")

    # Create an instance to store game statistics.
    self.stats = GameStats(self)
    self.ship = Ship(self)
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We make the instance after creating the game window but before defin-
ing other game elements, such as the ship.
When an alien hits the ship, we’ll subtract one from the number of
ships left, destroy all existing aliens and bullets, create a new fleet, and
reposition the ship in the middle of the screen. We’ll also pause the game
for a moment so the player can notice the collision and regroup before a
new fleet appears.
Let’s put most of this code in a new method called _ship_hit(). We’ll call
this method from _update_aliens() when an alien hits the ship:

def _ship_hit(self):
    """Respond to the ship being hit by an alien."""

    # Decrement ships_left.
    self.stats.ships_left -= 1

    # Get rid of any remaining aliens and bullets.

    # Create a new fleet and center the ship.

    # Pause.
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The new method _ship_hit() coordinates the response when an alien
hits a ship. Inside _ship_hit(), the number of ships left is reduced by 1,
after which we empty the groups aliens and bullets.
Next, we create a new fleet and center the ship. (We’ll add the
method center_ship() to Ship in a moment.) Then we add a pause after the
updates have been made to all the game elements but before any changes
have been drawn to the screen, so the player can see that their ship has
been hit. The sleep() call pauses program execution for half a second,
long enough for the player to see that the alien has hit the ship. When the
sleep() function ends, code execution moves on to the _update_screen()
method, which draws the new fleet to the screen.
In _update_aliens(), we replace the print() call with a call to _ship_hit()
when an alien hits the ship:

def _update_aliens(self):
    if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.ship, self.aliens):
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Here’s the new method center_ship(); add it to the end of

def center_ship(self):
    """Center the ship on the screen."""

    self.rect.midbottom = self.screen_rect.midbottom
    self.x = float(self.rect.x)
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We center the ship the same way we did in init(). After centering
it, we reset the self.x attribute, which allows us to track the ship’s exact

Run the game, shoot a few aliens, and let an alien hit the ship. The
game should pause, and a new fleet should appear with the ship centered
at the bottom of the screen again.

Aliens that Reach the Bottom of the Screen

If an alien reaches the bottom of the screen, we’ll have the game respond
the same way it does when an alien hits the ship. To check when this hap-
pens, add a new method in

def _check_aliens_bottom(self):
    """Check if any aliens have reached the bottom of the screen."""

    screen_rect = self.screen.get_rect()

    for alien in self.aliens.sprites():
        if alien.rect.bottom >= screen_rect.bottom:
            # Treat this the same as if the ship got hit.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

The method _check_aliens_bottom() checks whether any aliens have
reached the bottom of the screen. An alien reaches the bottom when its
rect.bottom value is greater than or equal to the screen’s rect.bottom attri-
bute. If an alien reaches the bottom, we call _ship_hit(). If one alien hits
the bottom, there’s no need to check the rest, so we break out of the loop
after calling _ship_hit().
We’ll call this method from _update_aliens():

def _update_aliens(self):

    # Look for alien-ship collisions.
    if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(self.ship, self.aliens):

        # Look for aliens hitting the bottom of the screen.
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

We call _check_aliens_bottom() after updating the positions of all the
aliens and after looking for alien and ship collisions. Now a new fleet will
appear every time the ship is hit by an alien or an alien reaches the bottom
of the screen.

Game Over!

Alien Invasion feels more complete now, but the game never ends. The value
of ships_left just grows increasingly negative. Let’s add a game_active flag as
an attribute to GameStats to end the game when the player runs out of ships.
We’ll set this flag at the end of the init() method in GameStats:

def __init__(self, ai_game):

    # Start Alien Invasion in an active state.
    self.game_active = True
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Now we add code to _ship_hit() that sets game_active to False when the
player has used up all their ships:

def _ship_hit(self):
    """Respond to ship being hit by alien."""

    if self.stats.ships_left > 0:

        # Decrement ships_left.
        self.stats.ships_left -= 1

        # Pause.

        self.stats.game_active = False
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Most of _ship_hit() is unchanged. We’ve moved all the existing code
into an if block, which tests to make sure the player has at least one ship
remaining. If so, we create a new fleet, pause, and move on. If the player has
no ships left, we set game_active to False.

Identifying When Parts of the Game Should Run

We need to identify the parts of the game that should always run and the
parts that should run only when the game is active:

def run_game(self):
    """Start the main loop for the game."""

    while True:
        if self.stats.game_active:
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

In the main loop, we always need to call _check_events(), even if the
game is inactive. For example, we still need to know if the user presses Q to
quit the game or clicks the button to close the window. We also continue
updating the screen so we can make changes to the screen while waiting to
see whether the player chooses to start a new game. The rest of the function
calls only need to happen when the game is active, because when the game
is inactive, we don’t need to update the positions of game elements.
Now when you play Alien Invasion, the game should freeze when you’ve
used up all your ships.

In the next and final part, we'll see how to add scoring to our game.

To access the Full project source code and files, visit the repo on Github.

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