Header picture credit: Grok2
Ever wondered how some GitHub profiles stand out with dynamic stats, vibrant visuals, and an interactive feel? Welcome to the art of creating a dynamic GitHub profile page! In this post, we'll dive into showcasing your coding prowess through GitHub statistics to turn your profile into a living resume of your coding journey. Let's make your GitHub profile not just a page, but an experience.
Create a GitHub Profile README:
GitHub allows you to create a special repository named after your username (e.g., yourusername/yourusername
Navigate to GitHub's homepage and start creating a new repository. Set the name of the repository to your GitHub username
Ensure the repository is initialised with a README.md
file. This file will be displayed on your profile page.
Here is how you add Dynamic GitHub Stats:
GitHub Readme Stats:
Use services like github-readme-stats
by Anurag Hazra to generate dynamic stats. You can include your GitHub contributions, stars, forks, and languages used. Here's how you can add it to your README:
Copy the Markdown link below, replacing yourname
with your GitHub username:
[![yourname's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=yourname)](https://github.com/yourname)
You can customise the appearance via query parameters - more details here.
Here is one example - adding icons and changing the theme
Copy the Markdown link below, replacing yourname
with your GitHub username
[![yourname's GitHub stats](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api?username=yourname&show_icons=true&theme=radical)](https://github.com/yourname)
Displaying Specific Stats:
Top Languages: Show the languages you most frequently use by adding:
[![Top Langs](https://github-readme-stats.vercel.app/api/top-langs/?username=yourname)](https://github.com/yourname)
Streak Stats: Include your coding streak with:
Copy the Markdown link below, replacing yourname
with your GitHub username
[![GitHub Streak](https://streak-stats.demolab.com?user=yourname&border_radius=6)](https://github.com/yourname)
Profile Readme Generator Tools:
If you're looking for a more user-friendly way, tools like
can help you create a personalised README with various stats and styles. These tools provide templates and easy customisation options for your profile.
I am sure there is more you can showcase such as, list your top repos and the stats relating to them - check out GitHub Tracker in case you are interested.
That's it devs. By integrating these elements, you can enhance your GitHub profile to better showcase your coding activity and statistics. The exact customisation and choice of services depend on what you want to highlight on your profile.
Top comments (1)
Very useful if you want to bring attention to your github profile.