Here are the 5 most useful Visual Studio Code extensions to improve your workflow!
1. Error Lens
Error Lens is an extension which allows you to see error, warning and diagnostic messages in line with your code without having to hover or click on anything! It also highlights the line with different colors to help you better visualize and differentiate between errors, warnings and other messages!
2. CSS Peek
With this extension, you can search for relevant CSS files by using CSS classes in html file and edit CSS files there itself! Here's how it works:
3. GitLens
GitLens is a powerful extension which can display when a particular line was committed, by whom it was committed and in which pull request it was included along with the commit message! All of this information is inline with the line upon which your cursor is currently located.
You can also hover over the message to get even more information about a particular line of code!
There are many more features in GitLens which you can explore and play around with!
4. Import Cost
Import Cost allows us to see the size of the imported package inline in the editor itself!
5. Version Lens
Version Lens fetches information about dependency versions and displays it on top of the dependency! You can also change to the latest version just by clicking on the latest
These were the 5 VSCode extensions which are powerful, useful and can improve your productivity and workflow!
Signing off.
I started a blog, Syntackle
Top comments (79)
All of them are already installed. Nice work though :)
Awesome! How many total extensions are installed on your system?
Around 75+
But I Don't use all of them at the same time, because they eat RAM. Initially I disable all the extension and I enable it when I need it, It totally depend on the workspace.
Yeah, even I have 60 installed but I don't require them all at once.
Yes exactly, Otherwise vs code beats chrome in terms of RAM consumption.
Oh, I probably need to check that on my machine
Hehe and after all that extensions I still moved over to nvim most of the time
im still thinking either I wanna try vim/nvim or still using vs code. hm
use what's best for your use case
im quite a noob here. will it be okay if you give what kind of use case that is better for which one?
cause, it will take time to get used to vim tho.
If you are a beginner, start with VS code because it's simple and easy to use. When you become quite experienced enough, you can try vim too.
Nice! thanks for the suggestions. Nevertheless, will start using vim sooner or later to try it out!
I think the most important problem of plugins in Visual Studio Code isn't knowing which plugin has which effect. For example, today I used the
(nullish coalescing operator) while working with JavaScript. A plugin inserted a space character between characters in this operator when I saved the file. I was able to avoid this effect after opening and saving the file in another editor. I tried all the suggestions in the forums but it didn't work. Someone tell me this is a joke!I used to use import cost too, but now i found that it's will cost a bit seconds to wait the size to calculator. It's kind of slowing down my coding for me.
Maybe it's just for me, do you also has this problem?
Yes, this consumes a lot of memory and the vscode is very slow. I don't reccommend install Import Cost.
Yeah it takes some time to calculate
thanks man :)
Good list I know some of them already and have them installed.
That's great!
Thanks so much for CSS Peek. Its a so useful. I can't believe I have been wasting my life switching between files and searching for css classes like a caveman when this existed.
Thanks! CSS Peek is certainly useful!
Try this:
Numbers 1 & 2 look great, I'll be sure to install this - they'll come in handy.
after looking at my extensions when I added what I need from those, they become 50,
after removing unused ones they become 27, so much less