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Murilo Viana
Murilo Viana

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5 Tips I Wish I Had Received When I Was a Mid-Level Developer

After sharing the 5 tips I wish I had received when I was a junior developer, I am very pleased to list the 5 tips I wish I had received when I was a mid-level developer.

This compilation of posts comes as a way of giving back for all the learnings the technology community has provided me with during more than 10 years of career. So, without further ado, let's get to the tips!

Understanding Algorithms

Algorithms are the backbone of any efficient solution, and understanding them not only improves the ability to solve problems logically and effectively but also opens doors for code optimization and the implementation of innovative solutions. Having a solid understanding of algorithms means navigating complex technical challenges with greater ease.

Practical example: Imagine you're working on an e-commerce system that needs to display products by price, from cheapest to most expensive. A straightforward approach is to use a sorting algorithm to organize the data. Here, understanding the nuances between different sorting algorithms, such as QuickSort, MergeSort, and BubbleSort can make a big difference. While BubbleSort may be simpler and more intuitive, it's less efficient for large data sets compared to QuickSort or MergeSort. Choosing the right algorithm not only ensures that users have a smooth experience while browsing through products but also optimizes server resource use, which is crucial for maintaining scalability and system performance.

Knowing different algorithms and their applications allows for a deeper understanding of how systems work internally, facilitating the identification of performance bottlenecks and possible improvements.

Contributing to Open Source Projects

Contributing to open source projects is an extremely enriching and valuable practice for any developer. This experience not only offers the application of practical knowledge in real and diverse projects, which is very exciting, but also promotes a deeper understanding of team collaboration dynamics and software project management.

Practical example: Contributing to open source projects can range from fixing bugs, improving documentation to developing new features. Platforms like GitHub and GitLab are excellent starting points to find projects that match your interests and skills. A good tip is to start with technologies that you use on a daily basis, so you'll have an easier time understanding where and how to contribute.

Contributions to open source projects serve as a showcase for your work, allowing other professionals and companies to see your skills in action. This can open doors to career opportunities, besides being a very significant differentiator in your resume.

Time is Code

In a world where tight deadlines and piles of tasks are the norm, managing your time effectively is not just a skill, it's a necessity. Developing a routine that maximizes your productivity without sacrificing your well-being is essential to advance in your career. Avoiding procrastination and establishing a balanced work routine can not only increase your efficiency but improve your quality of life.

Practical example: The Pomodoro Technique is a proven method to improve concentration and reduce fatigue. Working intensely for 25 minutes followed by a 5-minute break helps maintain focus and productivity throughout the day. But it's important to remember that flexibility is key. Adjust work and rest periods as needed, especially for tasks that require more time and concentration. Some people are more productive in the morning, while others find their peak efficiency at night. Adjust your routine to take advantage of these periods of higher productivity.

While consistency is crucial, we are humans and not machines. There will be more productive days and less productive ones. The important thing is to maintain a healthy balance, recognizing that the quality of work often outweighs the quantity. Allowing yourself moments of rest and recovery is not a luxury but an essential part of the creative and productive process.

Developing Soft Skills

Technical skills are often emphasized, but developing soft skills can be the differentiator that stands out a person in the job market. But what are soft skills? They are interpersonal and communication skills that facilitate effective interaction and collaboration among people in the workplace.

Practical example: A great scenario to develop soft skills is to get involved with communities, whether technology-related or not. In this way, you'll always be dealing with different people and different viewpoints, making you develop these skills constantly.

Importantly, soft skills are not only related to conflict management but also to every kind of communication you have during your day. Always strive to be responsible with your speech and decision-making, and remember that maxim your mother surely told you one day: "Respect is good and I like it."

Yes, nobody said that developing these skills would be easy, but it will make a significant difference in your career, especially if you aspire to leadership positions.

Always Staying Updated

Staying up-to-date with the latest trends, tools, and practices is crucial for any developer. Being attentive to updates not only ensures that you are using the most efficient and secure solutions available but also highlights your dedication to providing the best value in your projects.

Practical example: Imagine a situation where a new version of a popular framework is released, offering significant improvements in performance, security, and features. By staying updated and quickly learning the new characteristics and improvements of the framework, you can integrate all these values into the projects you are part of, bringing benefits that improve their performance.

Moreover, understanding and applying the latest innovations can open doors to new opportunities, whether in more challenging projects, positions of greater responsibility, or even in new fields within technology.

Enjoy the Journey

I like to say that each challenge is an opportunity to grow. So, go for it! I hope these tips can help you overcome your challenges during this journey.

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