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nadico chris
nadico chris

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Some key Concept of cloud computing in Azure storage

Explain these key concepts in your word in a blog post

  1. What is Virtualization?

  2. Scalability

  3. Agility

  4. High Availability

  5. Fault Tolerant

  6. Global Reach

  7. What is the difference between Elasticity and Scalability

By Recognizing the Essential Ideas in Contemporary IT, first need to know the meaning of the language/terminology we use in the IT world, then break it down step by step. let's go!

First off, what is virtualization?

Through the use of software known as a hypervisor, virtualization technology enables the operation of numerous virtual machines (VMs) on a single physical computer. Despite sharing the same physical hardware, each virtual machine functions as a separate computer with its own operating system and apps. This method of managing IT infrastructures improves flexibility, lowers expenses, and makes the most use of available resources12.


The term "scalability" describes a system's capacity to accommodate greater workloads or grow without sacrificing performance. It denotes the ability of a business to expand and effectively handle rising demand. For instance, during busy shopping seasons, a scalable e-commerce platform can accommodate higher user numbers and transaction volumes without experiencing any lag34.


In IT and business, agility is the capacity to quickly adjust to changes in the marketplace, in technology, or in internal procedures. In order to be competitive, an agile firm can react quickly to new opportunities or challenges. This calls for not only quickness but also adaptability and operational efficiency56.

Elevated Availability

A system with high availability (HA) is one that is built to guarantee minimal downtime and continuous functioning. This is important for systems that are mission-critical, as even a brief outage might have significant consequences. Redundancy, failover techniques, and routine maintenance to avert failures are how HA systems accomplish this78.

  1. Resilient to Error

A system's fault tolerance refers to its capacity to carry on properly even in the event that some of its constituent parts malfunction. Redundancy and error detection techniques help achieve this by enabling the system to automatically switch to backup components without causing service interruptions. When reliability is crucial in high-availability contexts, fault-tolerant systems are necessary910.

Worldwide Outreach

The ability of a company or service to function and provide goods or services globally is referred to as global reach. The internet frequently helps with this, enabling businesses to effectively manage worldwide supply chains, reach overseas markets, and offer customer service across time zones. It makes it possible for companies to expand into new markets and reach a larger clientele.

The Distinction Between Scalability and Elasticity

Although managing increasing workloads is a component of both scalability and elasticity, they are two different ideas. The ability of a system to expand and handle rising demand over time is known as scalability. Contrarily, elasticity is the capacity to instantly and automatically modify resources in response to changes in demand. An elastic system can flexibly allocate resources during peak usage and release them when demand lowers, whereas a scalable system can add more servers to manage growth.
I hope this helps clarify these key concepts! If you have any more questions or need further details, feel free to ask or leave a message in my page.

Since we have break it down and now understand some the words, we sometime use in IT space.
I'll look forward to seeing you in my next article.
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