1. Array.length()
To find length of an Array using array.length method
2. Array.concat()
- To join two or more than two array.
- Returns new array.
- New array will not change existing array.
3. Array.every()
- To check given condition in every array element and returns boolean
- Every array element will pass the test return 'true'
- Any one element will fail the test return 'false'
4. Array.fill()
- Array.fill() method fills some specify element in an array.
- It affects original array.
- Start and end position will not specified, entire array elements fills with given value
5. Array.find()
- Array.find() method return the condition will be true the first element in given array.
- If condition will not pass in given array it return 'Undefined'
6. Array.findIndex()
- FindIndex method return the index position where the condition first satisfy.
- If condition will not satisfy return -1.
7. Array includes()
- Includes method return boolean value.
- If given specified value in array it will return true else return false.
- Include method is case sensitive.
8. Array.push()
- Array push method insert a new element at last position in given array.
- Push method will affect original array.
9. Array.pop()
- Array pop method remove last element in given array.
- It will also affect original array.
10. Array.shift()
- Shift method will remove the first element of the array.
- It will changes the original array.
11. Array.unshift()
- Unshift method will add the new element at first position of the array.
- It will overwrites the original array.
12. Array.slice()
- Slice method return a new copy of array when selected element.
- It like The slice() method returns a shallow copy of a portion of an array into a new array object selected from start to end.
13. Array.sort()
- Sort method return sorted array.
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