DEV Community

Naomi Matthews
Naomi Matthews

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Creating An Enhanced Static Analysis Tool: Improving React Application Security

This is my first post, so please be patient with me!

I have just started planning to build an improved static analysis tool that focuses on React applications. Currently, my plans involve creating a plugin for ESLint that will contain rules specific to React applications.

  1. Base Tool: ESLint

  2. Enhancement Areas: security vulnerabilities; detecting potential XSS or injection attacks in user-controlled data handling.

  3. Development: Leverage ESLint's AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) to analyze React code structure, identify issues, and utilise ESLint's rule creation API to define custom rules. Explore APIs for existing tools to connect them with build systems or developer environments, and develop custom scripts or plugins to facilitate seamless integration.

I have no experience in creating something like this, so I would appreciate any feedback on my plans so far or any input/helpful pointers from more experienced developers!

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