Callback functions are known to many programming languages, with almost similar style and purpose.
What are Callback functions
In simple terms, a function passed as an argument to another function is a Callback function.
Why do we need them ?
You must be wondering, what's so special about these Callback functions, couldn't we already call one function from inside the other.
To get our answers, let's look at these 2 types of network calls.
- Sync
- Async
Sync Vs Async Calls
Callback functions are particularly used for handling the Async responses.
Callback Hell
Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. - Murphy's I Law
A Callback hell is a situation you might intentionally or unintentionally create to make things works, which can have few consequences.
Consider having a tree of nested setTimeout()
function, In the world of programming Nesting is infamous and notorious.
Why - Well, they make code unreadable, complex, vulnerable to breaking.
Promises in JavaScript are similar to their literal meaning. It's an object through which you can associate handlers for async operations, way ahead in time, similar to a callback functions just that Promises are more clean and easy to manage.
and yes, you can avoid Callback hell with Promises.
Promises can be one of these states
- pending - initial/default state
- fulfilled - promise is resolved, using
- rejected - promise is rejected, using
Now, let's create a simple promise
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if(res) {
} else {
// On Successful response
// do whatever you feel like
In this example, we are creating a promise object by instantiating it with a constructor
The constructor takes in a callback function which has handlers for resolved
and rejected
What happens after a Promise is resolved or rejected is decided by then()
Promise Chains
When you are working with API calls, after receiving a response you would generally want to perform another call.
so we need to create promise chains, by appending one then()
after the other.
Do remember that all the resolved promises will be handled by resolve handlers
and rejected promises will be handled by reject handlers
checkout this code,
function promise() {
const jobPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let selected = true;
setTimeout(() => {
if (selected) {
resolve('Passed Interview');
} else {
reject('Failed Interview');
}, 1000);
return jobPromise
.then(decision, jobSearch)
.then(joining, negotiate)
function decision(param){
let accept = true;
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
if (accept) {
resolve('accept offer')
} else {
reject('reject offer')
function jobSearch (outcome) {
console.log('Back to Job Search')
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { reject() })
function negotiate () {
console.log('negotiation starts..... ')
function joining (decision) {
console.log('Revert to the Company', decision);
console.log('Joining Company')
What could go wrong
If promises are handled injudiciously, an error could easily pass by unnoticed.
Make sure to return a promise in your callback handlers within then() or throw an Error, otherwise the next resolve handler in chain will be invoked and we don’t want that.
Top comments (1)
And in non-simple terms? Because this definition is incomplete