So in this particular exercise we are given an user obj as below;
let user = {
name: 'Kenneth',
age: 28,
data: {
username: 'kennethCodesAllDay',
joinDate: 'March 26, 2016',
organization: 'freeCodeCamp',
friends: [
location: {
city: 'San Francisco',
state: 'CA',
country: 'USA'
Write a function that adds a new friend to friends array in the user obj
They provide us the following function structure
function addFriend(userObj, friend) {
// Only change code below this line
// Only change code above this line
console.log(addFriend(user, 'Peter Gregory'));
//Answer 1 | |
function addFriend(userObj, friend) { | |
return | |
} | |
//Answer 2 | |
function addFriend(userObj, friend) { | | | |
return | |
} |
Correct Answer? Answer 2
In attempt 1 we are returning what push function returns. Push returns the length of the array , instead of the array. Therefore we have to push the new friend and then return the array in the next line separately
Once you add Peter Gregory as a friend, remember to get him some asparagus!
Check the exercise here
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