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Research paper publication cost in India

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The publication fee for the International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology (IJSET) varies depending on the author’s location. Here’s a breakdown of the costs:

Indian Authors: The fee for online publication is ₹1000. However, for high-quality papers, the fee can be reduced to as low as ₹600. If you require a DOI (Digital Object Identifier), an additional fee of ₹200 is applicable.

International Authors: The fee for online publication is $20, with an additional $5 for DOI charges​ (IJSET)​​ ​.

IJSET also offers a waiver program for scholars who may lack funds. You can apply for a waiver during the submission process, and the decision is typically made within two working days​ (Owink - World in your hands)​​ (IJSET)​.

For more detailed information and to check for any updates on the fees, you can visit the IJSET publication charges page.

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