1 Install RTL-Support Libraries
Install the necessary packages for managing RTL layout:
npm install rtlcss postcss-rtl
2. Update CSS/SCSS Styles
- Use postcss-rtl for automatic conversion of styles.
- Modify your CSS files to include logical properties like margin-inline-start and avoid hardcoded left/right styles.
3. Configure PostCSS for RTL
Add a PostCSS configuration in your project:
// postcss.config.js
module.exports = {
plugins: {
'postcss-rtl': {},
3. Detect Language Direction Use a utility function to detect and apply dir="rtl":
const isRTL = (lang) => ['ar', 'he'].includes(lang);
document.documentElement.dir = isRTL(language) ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';
4. Dynamic Language Switching
Use a state management library (e.g., Redux, Context API) to toggle between ltr and rtl.
Test with RTL-Languages
Use Chrome DevTools to force RTL mode for testing.
Common Guidelines
Use Constants for Alignment: Define alignment constants:
const ALIGN_START = isRTL ? 'right' : 'left';
const ALIGN_END = isRTL ? 'left' : 'right';
Test Early and Often: Validate UI components for both LTR and RTL layouts.
Leverage Tools for Translation: Use services like Google Translate for preliminary translations and hire native speakers for accuracy.
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