Hi there 👋
This is my first post on Dev.to! I released a brand-new online web accessibility testing tool called Visible. Please try it out!
The main differences between Lighthouse or other testing tools are:
- 🤖 Suggestion: Visible use AI platforms, Google Cloud Platform to provide patches to fix the problems of your website!
- 🌎 Accuracy: Visible uses Chrome via Puppeteer, a headless browser so the result you see is the exact same as what actual browsers render.
- 🤓 Hackable: Visible supports plugins so you can customize anything like browser, fixing algorithm, or rules.
I coded the entire project with TypeScript and it's (unsurprisingly) open-sourced at https://github.com/visible/visible. Also, don't forget to star it!!
Top comments (1)
Hello. First. Great job. What a tool. Second, please tell user to enter the address with protocol (with placeholder or such). Its strange that I entered my blog address without https and the only error I notice is the input element's border is red. Hope that help. Great job 👍