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John Biundo for NestJS

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Part 2: Basic Server Component

John is a member of the NestJS core team


This is Part 2 of a six-part series. If you landed here from Google, you may want to start with Part 1.

In this article, we build the first iteration of the server component of our Faye Custom Transporter. We'll then test it with a simple Nest responder (microservice) app.

Reminder: Many of the concepts and terminology here are introduced and explained in this article series. That series serves as a good foundation for understanding the more advanced concepts covered in this series.

Get the Code

All of the code in these articles is available here. As always, these tutorials work best if you follow along with the code. The README covers all the steps you need to get the repository, build the apps, and follow along. It's easy! I strongly encourage you to do so. Note that each article has a corresponding branch in the repository. For example, this article (Part 2), has a corresponding branch called part2. Read on, or get more details here on using the repository.

Git checkout the current version

For this article, you should git checkout the branch part2. You can get more information about the git repository branches here.

Build the Apps for This Part

For each article in the series, we introduce some new components (and sometimes entirely new projects). For convenience, at the start of each article, you should run the following command from the top-level directory (where you cloned the repo): *

$ # from root directory of project (e.g., transporter-tutorial, or whatever you chose as the root)
$ sh
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*This is a shell script that runs on Linux-like systems. You may have to make an adjustment for non-Linux systems. Note that the script is simply a convenience that runs npm install && npm run buildinside each top-level directory, so you can always fall back to that technique if you have trouble with the script.

Organizing the Code

Even though the scope of this tutorial is relatively small — at the end of the day we'll just be creating a few main classes — we're going to be accumulating a number of assets along the way to test and exercise our code. It's time to think a little bit about code organization. First, let's take a look at what we'll end up with:

  • Our Faye Custom Transporter is going to consist of some interfaces and constants, some serializers/deserializers (discussed extensively in the previous article series), and the main components: a client component (class) providing the ClientProxy subclass we can use in any Nest requestor apps and a server component (class) we can use in any Nest responder apps.
  • The native apps we wrote in the previous article that let us explore the Faye client API and give us some test drivers.
  • A pair of regular Nest apps that will host and exercise our transporter code as we build it: a Nest requestor that is a simple Nest HTTP app called nestHttpApp and a Nest responder that is a classic Nest microservice, called nestMicroservice. (Note: see the previous article series for more on this terminology, but think of a Nest requestor as an app that makes remote requests over some non-HTTP transport (like Faye) and a Nest responder as a Nest application that listens for inbound requests over that transport).

Where to keep all of these assets?

The main thing to think about now is where to keep the Faye Custom Transporter components. Since we'll want to easily re-use them across different Nest apps, the logical place is an NPM package. To that end, when we work on any of those components, they'll go into that package.

The Custom Transporter Package

At this point, you should be on the part2 branch of the repo that you cloned (read more here for details). Once you've checked out that branch, you'll notice a new folder called nestjs-faye-transporter. This is organized as an NPM package (you can learn more about creating NestJS-friendly NPM packages in my article Publishing NestJS Packages with npm, including how the tsconfig.json file, package.json scripts and properties, and file organization all interact to create a reusable NPM package).

Here's a run-down on the contents of the nestjs-faye-transporter package, and how we'll use each:

  1. The scripts (package.json) let you build (npm run build or npm run build:watch) and, if you want, publish (npm publish) the package.
  2. Our workflow, in dev, will be to build the package and then use npm link to install it in our Nest apps. More on this soon.
  3. The code is organized in a directory structure as follows:
    • Code common to our client and server is in top level files or folders, like src/external (holds things like interfaces to the Faye client library which are external to the Nest environment), src/interfaces (holds interfaces used within the Nest constructs), and src/constants.
    • All code defining the client is in the src/requestor folder. Ultimately, this will consist of a sub-class of ClientProxy from the @nestjs/microservices package — the class which provides methods like client.send(...) and client.emit(...)) — and a variety of related classes.
    • All code defining the server is in the src/responder folder. Ultimately, this will consist of a sub-class of Server from the @nestjs/microservices package — the class which implements a transporter's server-side strategy — and a variety of related classes.

First Iteration (Take 1) of the Server Component

Let's get started building the "server" side of the equation — the part of the custom transporter that you'll use to help build Nest microservices (AKA Nest responders).

Using a Custom Transporter Strategy

Before we start writing transporter code, let's first take a look at how we're going to use a custom transporter. To see this in action, let's look at the nestMicroservice app (this app has been added in this branch). The code for it is in the top-level nestMicroservice folder.

Instantiating the Custom Transporter

Open the src/main.ts file. Notice the structure of the createMicroservice call:

// nestMicroservices/src/main.ts
const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(AppModule, {
  strategy: new ServerFaye({
    url: 'http://localhost:8000/faye',
    serializer: new OutboundResponseIdentitySerializer(),
    deserializer: new InboundMessageIdentityDeserializer(),
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This is very similar to the structure used for any built-in Nest transporter. For example, with MQTT it looks like:

const app = await NestFactory.createMicroservice(AppModule, {
  transport: Transport.MQTT,
  options: {
    host: 'localhost',
    port: 1883,
    serializer: new OutboundResponseIdentitySerializer(),
    deserializer: new InboundMessageIdentityDeserializer(),
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It should be clear what we're doing: instead of passing the normal transporter options object with transport and options properties, we pass a single property, strategy, whose value is an instance of our custom transporter class. This class takes a single options object in its constructor, pretty much mirroring the options you pass to the options property with the built-in transporters.

Using the Custom Transporter

Let's briefly review how our nestMicroservice app works. Its only real job is to take in a '/get-customers' message and return a list of customers. It performs the exact same function as the customerApp we built in Part 1. The action is in the nestMicroservices/src/app.controller.ts file:

// nestMicroservices/src/app.controller.ts
export class AppController {
  logger = new Logger('AppController');

   * Register a message handler for '/get-customers' requests
  async getCustomers(data: any): Promise<any> {
    const customers =
      data && data.customerId
        ? customerList.filter(cust => === parseInt(data.customerId, 10))
        : customerList;
    return { customers };
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All it really does is check for the existence of a customerId in the inbound message, and if it exists, uses it to filter the customer list it returns.

Take 1 Requirements

Alright, we're finally ready to look at our ServerFaye class — the one we'll instantiate and pass as the value of that strategy property above. We'll take this in a couple of steps.

This iteration (Take 1) is going to be the absolute bare-bones class needed to implement the server component of the Faye transporter. We're going to keep our first version basic so that we can focus on the core flow. Our first cut will:

  • minimize error handling
  • not yet utilize some of the nice features of the framework that make our code really robust
  • not handle events (e.g., inbound messages coming from client.emit(...))
  • not really be type safe (we omit a bunch of typing to declutter the code)

To state it in terms of requirements: the goal is to respond to a well-formed inbound request (i.e., a request from a request-response style message). We'll test this requirement by replacing our native customerService responder app from the last article with our nestMicroservices app running our new Faye Custom Transporter, and sending it the same '/get-customers' request from our native customerApp.

In Part 3, we'll complete the implementation and have a fully functioning Faye Custom Transporter (server component). At that point, you'll also have all of the concepts in place to write your own custom transporter server component, as well as the ability to look inside the built-in transporters (like the MQTT transporter server) and understand what's going on. That will prepare you for even more adventures, like customizing the Nest built-in transporters to add features— the subject of my next NestJS microservice tutorial (already underway, and coming very soon 💥)!

Take 1 Code Review

Let's dive into the code. Open the file nestjs-faye-transporter/src/responder/transporters/server-faye.ts.

An important concept is that this class extends Server (view this parent class here: @nestjs/microservices/server/server.ts). We won't walk through all the details of the Server superclass, but the main things to know are:

1) Our ServerFaye class inherits some properties and methods from the built-in Server class
2) After being instantiated in the main.ts file, the ServerFaye instance is essentially managed for us as part of the Nest lifecycle. This means that when the application bootstraps, and our custom ServerFaye class is instantiated, its inherited properties are populated with data, and the framework calls the entry point of our class. That entry point is the listen() method.

So let's dig into the ServerFaye class, starting with the listen() entry point. Its job is to make a connection to the broker, and then run start(), which is where the fun begins.

The interesting thing in start() is the call to this.bindHandlers(). Take a look at that method:

// nestjs-faye-transporter/src/responder/transporters/server-faye.ts
  public bindHandlers() {
     * messageHandlers is populated by the Framework (on the `Server` superclass)
     * It's a map of `pattern` -> `handler` key/value pairs
     * `handler` is the handler function in the user's controller class, decorated
     * by `@MessageHandler()` or `@EventHandler`, along with an additional boolean
     * property indicating its Nest pattern type: event or message (i.e.,
     * request/response)
    this.messageHandlers.forEach((handler, pattern) => {
      // only handling `@MessagePattern()`s for now
      if (!handler.isEventHandler) {
          this.getMessageHandler(pattern, handler),

  public getMessageHandler(pattern: string, handler: Function): Function {
    return async message => {
      const inboundPacket = this.deserializer.deserialize(message);
      const response = await handler(;
      const outboundRawPacket = {
        err: null,
        isDisposed: true,
        id: (message as any).id,
      const outboundPacket = this.serializer.serialize(outboundRawPacket);
      this.fayeClient.publish(`${pattern}_res`, outboundPacket);
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The comments should help with understanding what's happening, but at a high level, the strategy should be pretty clear:

  1. Iterate over all of our "message handlers"*. These are the user-land Controller methods decorated with @MessagePattern(); a list of them is made available to us (in this.messageHandlers) by the framework, which discovers them using introspection with the Reflect API during the bootstrap process.
  2. For each one, subscribe to the inbound channel (the _ack form of the topic). Remember, a Faye client's subscribe() call registers a Faye subscription handler to be invoked whenever the Faye client library receives an inbound message matching this topic. So this is the step where we map patterns to handlers. In short, this is our "router".
  3. The Faye subscription handler in step 2, when invoked, runs the actual user supplied handler (the user-land handler method decorated with something like @MessagePattern('/get-customer')), and returns the result it gets from that method. When we say "returns", we mean publishes a reply on the outbound channel (the _res form of the topic).
  4. Along the way, we run our deserializer on the inbound message, our serializer on the outbound response, and we package up the data produced by the user's pattern handler in an appropriately shaped standard Nest transporter message object.

*For Take 1, we are omitting event handlers (methods decorated with @EventPattern(...)). We'll handle these in Take 2 of our server component, in the next article.

The only slightly tricky part is the call to getMessageHandler(). This is just a higher-order function that is returning us the actual Faye subscription handler function.

If all this looks somewhat familiar, it's because we're basically following the same STRPTQ (subscribe-to-the-response-then-publish-the-request) pattern we used in the native customerService app in the previous article (Part 1).

Acceptance Testing

We should be ready to test out our code. We need to do a tiny bit of setup first. This is going to run best if you have four separate terminals open so you can watch things unfold across the whole process as the various pieces communicate.

Now's a good time to mention a couple of things about the development setup:

  1. I run this kind of stuff on an Ubuntu machine. There's nothing platform-specific anywhere in the Nest-related code, but, I find running builds, starting and stopping processes, running multiple terminal sessions, etc., to be much smoother on Linux. You can run this wherever you want, but if you're not on Linux, you may have to make slight adjustments to your package.json, or other actual build steps.
  2. Since you kind of need to run multiple terminal sessions to see the full impact, I strongly recommend Tmux. I mentioned this briefly at the end of the last article, so you now know I feel strongly about it 😃. You can instead start multiple terminal programs, or use a tabbed console program if you prefer, but if you want what I think is the best DX for this kind of work, checkout Tmux. I covered some detailed Tmux recommendations in the last article series.

In the following steps, I'll reference these (logical) terminals as:

  • Terminal 1: run the Faye broker here
  • Terminal 2: run live builds (npm build:watch) of the transporter server code we're working on here
  • Terminal 3: run the "requestor code" here. This is usually the customerApp; in the future, we'll also interact with nestHttpApp (making it the requestor) using HTTPie commands from the OS prompt (you can also use something like Postman or curl to issue HTTP requests, of course). We can use one terminal for this since we don't typically run both the customerApp and the nestHttpApp at the same time
  • Terminal 4: run the nestMicroservice Nest responder application here (this is the plain old Nest microservice app that will be using our new Faye Custom Transporter)

Primary Acceptance Test

Going back to our requirements, our main acceptance test is simple: send a well-formed message from our native customerApp (acting as a requestor) to our nestMicroservice (acting as a responder), and get back a proper response.

Faye Transporter Acceptance Test

Figure 1: Faye Transporter Acceptance Test
Using npm link in Our Development Environment

Before we can run the test, we need to cover one more preliminary. Ask yourself this: how does our nestMicroservice app know how to find the code in our nestjs-faye-transporter package? The answer is pretty simple (though it belies the awesomeness of NPM!).

Note: If you ran the script at the beginning of this article, you probably do not need to run the npm link commands below. Doing so again is harmless, and it's useful to understand what's happening so I include the steps below. Also, sometimes things just get flakey with the links, and you need to re-run them. I'd actually suggest you go ahead and do so even if you did already run the script, just to see the behavior. These steps are prety quick anyway.

We're going to use the npm link command (read details here, but the following is all you need to know for this tutorial). There are two simple steps:

  1. In terminal 2, make sure you're in the folder nestjs-faye-transporter (our NPM package folder). Then run npm link at the OS level. You should see output like this (I use nvm; if you don't your output will look slightly different):

    $ # from directory nestjs-faye-transporter
    $ npm link
    @faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter@1.0.1 prepare /home/john/code/nest-micro/nestjs-faye/nestjs-faye-transporter
    npm run build
    @faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter@1.0.1 build /home/john/code/nest-micro/nestjs-faye/nestjs-faye-transporter
     (... some lines omitted ...)
    /home/john/.nvm/versions/node/v10.18.1/lib/node_modules/@faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter ->
  2. In terminal 4, make sure you're in the folder nestMicroservice. Then run npm link @faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter at the OS level. This command references the NPM package name (found in nestjs-faye-transporter/package.json) for our custom transporter. You should see output like this:

    $ # from directory nestMicroservice
    $ npm link @faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter
    /home/john/code/nest-micro/nestjs-faye/nestMicroservice/node_modules/@faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter ->

At this point, our nestMicroservice testing app is live-linked to the custom transporter code in the @faye-tut/nestjs-faye-transporter NPM package we're working on. Any changes we make to that code will trigger a rebuild, and because we linked, those changes are immediately visible. Very cool stuff there.

Running the Test

We're ready to rock and roll 🎵!

In terminal 1, make sure the Faye broker is running. First make sure you're in the faye-server directory, then run npm run start. You should see something like this:

$ # from directory faye-server
$ npm run start
simple-faye-server@1.0.0 start /home/john/code/nest-micro/nestjs-faye/faye-server
node server.js

listening on http://localhost:8000/faye
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In terminal 4, start the nestMicroservice. First make sure you're in the nestMicroservice directory, then run npm run start:dev. You should see the usual Nest startup logs, followed by the message Microservice is listening....

In terminal 3, we'll run the native customerApp to make the request. Earlier, we used this app to send requests to the native customerService app. Now we're sending those exact same messages (via the Faye broker, of course) to the nestMicroservice. Make sure you're in the customerApp directory, then...

... keep your eyes on all three terminal windows so you don't miss the magic, and...

# in terminal 3 window...
# in folder customerApp
npm run get-customers
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If all went well, you should see a flurry of log messages. I strongly encourage you to take the time to look at them and make sure you can follow the flow of what's happening. In terminal 3, we should get a nice response that looks like this:

$ npm run get-customers

> faye-customer-app@1.0.0 get-customers /home/john/code/nest-micro/nestjs-faye/customerApp
> node dist/customer-app get

Faye customer app starts...
<== Sending 'get-customers' request with payload:

==> Receiving 'get-customers' reply:
  "customers": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": ""
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Terminals 1 and 4 show the corresponding message flow in the Faye broker and nestMicroservice app respectively. They all should weave together nicely to let you trace the entire saga through the layers of the system. By the way, if you're wondering where the message level logging in terminal 4 (nestMicroservice) comes from, take a look at the serializer/deserializer implementations in nestjs-faye-transporter/src/responder/serializers/outbound-response-identity-serializer.ts and nestjs-faye-transporter/src/responder/deserializers/inbound-message-identity-deserializer.ts respectively. These are our so-called "identity" serializer/deserializer from the previous article series, which are very helpful for visualizing message flow.

Hooray! We're done right? 🍺 🍺 🍺?

Not so fast... did you forget this is a six-part series 😃? Read on to see where we've still got work to do.

Understanding the Limitations of Take 1

We already know we have to clean up a few things, like adding event handling (e.g., handlers decorated with @EventPattern(...)), adding TypeScript types, and plugging in more cleanly to the framework. But the biggest limitation of our Take 1 implementation is its (lack of) handling of RxJS Observables. To fully appreciate this, we'll have to take a bit deeper dive into the overall flow and handling of requests through the Nest system.

We'll explore this in greater detail in the next article, but let's start with a picture. The following animation shows the path a hypothetical inbound HTTP request would take through our application. Inner boxes with a red background are part of the Nest infrastructure. User supplied code lives in the user-land space with a white background. Controllers are in light blue, and "Services" are in yellow.

Nest Request Handling

Figure 2: Nest Request Handling

An inbound HTTP request kicks off the following sequence of events. Bolded words represent Nest system responsibilities. Underlined words represent user code. There's probably nothing terribly surprising going on here, but let's just briefly walk through it.

  1. The request is routed to a route handling method (like getCustomers in our controller).
  2. The route handling method can either make a remote request directly, or call a service that makes a remote request.
  3. The remote request is handled by the broker client library and sent to the broker.
  4. The remote request is received by the broker client library in the nestMicroservice app.
  5. The request is routed to the correct handler (e.g., a method decorated with @MessagePattern('/get-customers')) based on matching the pattern in the request with the pattern in the method decorator.
  6. The request handling method may make a call to other services (which in turn, could make their own internal calls or remote calls). Let's say it does make such a call, to the custService.getCustomers() method, and that method has a signature like this:

    getCustomers(id: integer): Observable<Customer>

Once the getCustomers method returns, we start the return trip, where things get more interesting. This "more interesting" part is mainly because Nest is very Observable-aware.

Nest Response Handling

Figure 3: Nest Response Handling

In this sequence, I'll introduce a part of the transporter infrastructure responsible for what I'm informally calling "Marshalling" (there's no such official term or single component inside Nest that does Marshalling). Conceptually, it's the part(s) of the system that handle(s) dealing with transferring Observable streams over the network.

In Part 3 we'll go through a few use cases for why Observables are so cool, why they're a perfect fit in this flow, AND how they're actually really easy to use. I know this diagram doesn't make it seem that way, but hey, we're building our own transporter (my inner trekky can't help but giggle over that 🚀). The beauty of it is that once we handle this case properly — and the framework will make this easy as we'll see in the next chapter — everything we might want to do with Observables (and their potential is just, well... mind bending) just works.

Here's the walk through of the return trip flow:

  1. Our handler in nestMicroservice (perhaps directly, or perhaps by calling a service) returns the result. In terms of our example, it's returning a list of customers.
  2. Now, if the response is a "plain" value (JavaScript primitive, array or object), there's not much work to be done other than send it back to the broker. But, if the response is an Observable stream, Nest steps in and makes this extremely easy for everything downstream to work with. That's where marshalling comes in.
  3. Once the response is prepared from nestMicroservice, it's delivered to the Faye broker via the broker client library.
  4. The broker takes care of publishing the response.
  5. On the nestHttpApp side, the broker client library (which has previously subscribed to the broker on the response channel — though we haven't coded that part yet), receives the response message.
  6. The ClientProxy class (again, we haven't built this yet) takes care of routing (and marshalling, if it's dealing with a stream of responses).
  7. This routes the response to the originating service, then back to the originating controller.
  8. Finally, the Nest HttpAdapter software again, if needed, marshalls responses to a suitable form for HTTP transport. For example, if the response is an Observable or a promise, it converts it to an appropriate form for return over HTTP.

So what exactly is the issue?

As you might expect from the above, things work fine if our handlers return plain objects. For example, we currently return an object in our nestMicroservices getCustomers() handler (last line below):

// nestMicroservice/src/app.controller.ts
async getCustomers(data: any): Promise<any> {
  const customers =
    data && data.customerId
      ? customerList.filter(cust => === parseInt(data.customerId, 10))
      : customerList;
  return { customers };
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But what happens if our handler returns an Observable? The framework enables this for all built-in transporters, so we should handle it too. Let's test this really quickly. Replace that last line in app.controller.ts with:

return of({customers});
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You'll also have to add the following line to the top of the file:

import { of } from 'rxjs';
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This construct uses the RxJS of operator to convert our getCustomers() method handler response to an Observable — a stream (containing only a single value in our case, but still, a stream) of values.

If you make this change, then re-issue the /get-customers message (run npm run get-customers in terminal 3), you'll get a rather ugly failure in the nestMicroservice window. This is our fault! If you think about it, we aren't doing any marshalling anywhere in our code. So we aren't handling this case, which, again, is expected of any Nest microservice transporter.

What's Next

With these issues in mind, we're ready to step up our game and make the Faye Custom Transporter server component much more robust. We'll tackle that in the next article. In Part 3 we cover:

  • A little side expedition on how and why you should care about the "Observables issue" we just uncovered
  • Addressing that issue
  • Handling events (e.g., @EventPattern(...) decorated methods) in our responder app
  • Adding TypeScript types
  • A few other minor items to clean up our app and make it production worthy

Feel free to ask questions, make comments or suggestions, or just say hello in the comments below. And join us at Discord for more happy discussions about NestJS. I post there as Y Prospect.

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