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Hacktober Updates. Did a three-way recursive merge.

Hello all. Yep, the title says right. I just did (2 days ago) a three-way recursive merge in GitHub. I know it's not even something to be proud of, millions do it every second, but it was my first time, so I am very happy about it.

I added two new features to my CLI program. One of them parses good or bad or all links and outputs with what option you specified. For eg, if you use the command "--good", only good results will be outputted. Vice-versa for "--bad". The other feature I added was an option to output results with or without colors depending on the option they changed it to in the configuration file (.env).

I created 2 branches naming them branch#a and branch#b. When I added the first feature to the branch#a, I did a merge request and it got accepted. Same for branch#b. That way I learned that if there is someone other than me working on the same program but different features, you do not have to worry about copy-pasting as merging will do the dirty work for you (unless there's a conflict).

Oh almost forgot, Hacktober is in-process right now. I did not start looking for an issue yet, but I will start later tonight. So, get ready for a new post this week on Hacktober as I will keep you all updated on my first ever success story in Hacktober. Thank you and stay safe!

LINKS - Git repo
Feature 1
Feature 2

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