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The End(2) - Mid. Got a few, looking for a few. Final 1 done, 2 left.

Hello, welcome back again. Yep this is the part 2 of 3 of my "The End" blogpost series. On this post, I will be giving you guys an update mainly on my task and few more personal information. Oh, did 2 pull request, which means my target of minimum 3 is almost done. I will do the final blogpost after I am done with the 3rd one and give a proper conclusion to the series, and to this semester in general as the finals week already started. Ayt then, lets go talk.

First of, the task I tried to do was a bit simple but not that simple. I was caught off-guard for both of the issues that I got assigned. I will talk about the first issue, first. When I saw the issue, I thought it is just a pretty simple functionality add. Ohboy, was I wrong. It was a simple one but the things that comes up with it was wow. The feeling was like inviting 10 people to a birthday party, but during the party 50 people show up. It was a wow experience. Had like about 289 tests to pass through, and tons of snapshots to match. As I edited the entire page, I had to finish up editing the tests, snapshots, etc. It was fun and from the comments you can see that we talked a lot. Did many PRS and finally passed the review. It was very fun as I learned lots by going through the code. Just wow, was a great learning process.

The 2nd PR was not that complicated, but it is still going on. I will be done with it after I am writing this blog post. By done I mean it will probably be merged if the author agrees to the edits I made from the review. This issue wasn't that hard but it was complicated as it it had different file structure which I was not aware of the the start, but got it eventually. Not a biggy. I did issue a PR for that, but not merged yet as I am continuously fixing the way the asked through reviews. I'll give both the links of the PR and Issue at the end of this blog post, you guys can go visit it.

Ahh, that's so far for the progress that I made. Now lets talk personal. Finals 1 of 3 is done. The 2nd Finals is today. It is on Database, Advanced PLSQL. I love databases and I don't know why. I just love it. Currently have 95% up that course. I always find my self doing something related to Databases very often. I just love working with it. So, not worried for the finals. The challenge comes after, the last finals is on Data Structures. Studied for it, but still scared lol. Fingers crossed, and I hope I do well on both of my finals. Oh and, planned on taking a semester break for Winter2021. Will work part time and gather some funds for my personal use that I will be needing next semester. While during break, I'll continuously try to contribute to the open source community and make personal projects, look for coop jobs as well. So, need to make sure this break won't be a waste.

That's so far what I have to offer today. I will be back with my final conclusion very soon. So please keep your eyes and open and get ready for the final post. Till then, saty safe and stay healthy. <3



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