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What's your go to state management library these days?

Nick Taylor on July 13, 2021

We use Preact at Forem, the software that powers, but we do not use a state management library, just good old component state. The last sta...
danieltott profile image
Dan Ott β€’

I am a HUGE believer in react-query - it handles 99% of the nonsense we used to try to pump into redux. So - for request data, react-query for sure.

After that, it would take a lot for me to use something other than useState or useReducer for state, and useContext if I really need to.

I try to keep state as local as it can be, and that serves me very well most of the time.

joelbonetr profile image
JoelBonetR πŸ₯‡ β€’ β€’ Edited

According to your comment and if I did not get you wrong... You should learn about Reducer Design Pattern which is just what Redux does strictly, so you can understand why it works this way. Also I can understand that Redux works with functional programming paradigm and can be a hard pill to swallow for people not used to it.
The only thing I can say in counter of Redux from an engineering point of view is that it could be less verbose tbh.

Trying to handle a supposedly unified global state as local state is just counter productive and goes against the pattern you're using. So either you didn't understand how it works and why or you understand it but you can't discern whether to use it or not.
There's no tech, design pattern, paradigm or a single thing to rule them all, each tool must be used when it covers the needs.

Also I must add to this comment a very important statement You might not need redux , and you can read the article from one of the team members that developed Redux itself. This can be applied to any of these libs to solve state management.

Things need to be analysed before applying them, otherwise science is left aside and we only obtain the technical part, which is precisely the one that must apply the results of science-based engineering which results in a blind following of things that people involved don't even understand.

markerikson profile image
Mark Erikson β€’ β€’ Edited

FWIW, I did a rough estimate of React ecosystem "state management market share" a few months ago, and this is what I came up with:

  • Redux: 45-50%
  • Apollo: 15%
  • XState: 8%
  • MobX: 7%
  • Redux Toolkit: 4.5% (overlaps with Redux)
  • React Query and SWR: 2.5% each

I also covered this in my "State of Redux 2021" talk.

On a related note, we recently released our new "RTK Query" API as part of Redux Toolkit 1.6. RTK Query is a data fetching and caching solution built on top of Redux Toolkit. It's similar to and inspired by React Query, Apollo, Urql, and SWR, but has a unique feature set and some nifty capabilities:

I don't have any hard usage stats on RTKQ so far, but we're seeing a rapid increase in the number of RTKQ questions we answer over in Reactiflux, and have gotten a lot of very positive feedback on it so far.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor β€’

Thanks for chiming in Mark and thanks for all your work on Redux! 😎

sambitsahoojs profile image
sambit sahoo β€’

In vue 3 it's mostly Pinia (Vuex 5 soon) and zustand in React. Zustand is really good with a very intuitive API. My discussion here

mrdulin profile image
official_dulin β€’

Redux as always. RTK

sethburtonhall profile image
Seth Hall β€’ β€’ Edited

React Context often does the trick but using Redux in my current React contract, Zustand in Next.js app, and Vuex in Vue.js. I find React Context and Zustand fairly straight forward and enjoyable, Redux is complicated to set up but fine to use after setup and I LOVE Vuex.

gdenn profile image
Dennis Groß (he/him) β€’

My opinion might be controversy but I avoid any state management framework as long as possible.

I am not a huge fan of the excessive use of the Flux pattern. I just use frameworks-/libraries like redux if I really benefit from cashing data.

But most of the time I like to design my backend API in a way that I can get exactly the information that I need for e.g. a React Component. And then I just fetch the data freshly from the API every time. => no state management required.

Why do prefer this? It just reduces the overall complexity of my application.

That being said, if I have a use case that benefits from cashing I tend to use Redux.

mremanuel profile image

Mostly Redux. Although, I'm beginning to think, if you don't need anything fancy, using Apollo client's local state management is a good idea.

After spending a few days reading the docs and messing around with it, I'm starting to see lots of cool stuff to do with Apollo Client. The new version that is.

psiho profile image
Mirko Vukuőić ‒

MobX. Love on first sight, for years now. Frankly, still don't get it whay Redux is so popular. For me, MobX is kind of "automagic", like a global class(es) you just set up and (most of the time) forget how it works. It just does.

peerreynders profile image
peerreynders β€’

What exactly do you need it to accomplish? (rhetorical question)

Given your Redux perspective I recommend reading:

not to recommend either XState or Mobx but to better frame what capabilities your candidate solution needs to have.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor β€’

I'm not so much looking for a solution myself, just curious what folks are using these days. I took David K. Piano's XState course on FEM and it was really great. I haven't tried Mobx though.

pontakornth profile image
Pontakorn Paesaeng β€’

I never got to the point where I really need a state management library. The valid use cases would be complex application such as e-commerce website, admin control panel, interactive e-learning system and more.

I don't really consider things like React Query or useSWR to be a complete state management library. They are more like library for simple fetching without headache.

Applications that are not complex would just need to handle input, processing, output and error. For example, a blog needs to fetch data from server then display content to users, a simple chat application would handling messages from other people and sending messages from the user. If the application is this simple, it would not need complex state management solution. At most, it may require some basic solution such as Context, useState, or useReducer.

wolfhoundjesse profile image
Jesse M. Holmes β€’ β€’ Edited

I've been getting by with the Context API only, but there have been times where a feature added late has caused a lengthy refactor. That's okay, because I learned more about architecture that way. Without that experience, a developer might end up in some kind of push-pull architecture. πŸ‘€

Recently I've experimented with a state library I don't see listed here yet, Akita, which is highly focused on push architecture. Some may find it to be a little too robust, but coming from an Angular background, I didn't bat an eye at the patterns subscribed to with Akita.

I didn't need it for my React project, though. I don't even need Context for the feature I'm working on … yet. πŸ˜‰

alan2207 profile image
Alan Alickovic β€’

Since there are multiple types of state you would consider choosing the best tool for the problem you are trying to solve.

Here is a brief summary of state types and when to choose which tool:

halbano profile image
halbano β€’

I have used Redux for a while, and I am still using it in complex applications.
I am starting giving a change to recoil, and first experience is going so far. I really like the hooks approach to access and modify the global state.

knitesh profile image
Kumar Nitesh β€’

Zustand is the go to state management library for me these days. No need to wrap your component under a Provider.

touseefhaider profile image
Touseef Haider β€’

I am using Redux from past 5 months

othman2001 profile image
Othman β€’

there is very nice tool i use to manage state , it is actually very easy tool
check it is docs

dastasoft profile image
dastasoft β€’

react-query almost always in my case. If the project is big enough and/or has big state changes Redux is a good choice especially because of the amazing debugging tools.

jerevick83 profile image
jerevick83 β€’

Zustand all the way

a03z profile image
Daniil β€’

Effector is my absolute best now.

eddsaura profile image
Jose E Saura β€’

I'm really into context, idk. I never needed redux, algo I'm checking React Query, so basically it cache your fetchs and wive you hooks with states right?

spiropoulos94 profile image
NikosSp β€’

I firmly believe that everyone around here should give react-query a try. Its much simpler than the other alternatives and does a pretty good job!

retronav profile image
Pranav Karawale β€’

I am up with nanostores these days.

forkbomb profile image
Joe Buckle β€’

I've never had a problem Context couldn't solve.
But that's just it - I've never had a problem Context couldn't solve :D.