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Nika Jobava
Nika Jobava

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Introducing Basic Utility Belt: Your Essential Toolkit for Common Programming Tasks


Basic Utility Belt is a versatile collection of essential utility functions designed to simplify a wide range of common programming tasks. Whether you need to manipulate dates, perform arithmetic operations, or process strings, this toolkit has you covered. Enhance your development workflow with these reliable and easy-to-use functions, all in one convenient package.

Visit Basic Utility Belt on npm

Who is it for?

Basic Utility Belt is designed for developers of all levels who need a reliable set of utility functions to streamline their coding tasks. Whether you're a beginner just starting out or an experienced developer looking for a comprehensive toolkit, this module offers a wide range of functionalities that can assist you in everyday programming scenarios. Its easy-to-use design and lack of dependencies make it a great addition to any project.

Main Features and Functionalities

The Basic Utility Belt includes a variety of utility functions across several categories:

  • Date Manipulations: Simplify date calculations, formatting, and parsing.
  • Number Operations: Perform arithmetic operations and validations.
  • String Processing: Handle string manipulations such as trimming, casing, and formatting.
  • Array Manipulations: Manage and transform arrays with ease.
  • Regex Validations: Validate and match strings using regular expressions.
  • The toolkit is continually evolving, with plans to add even more utility functions to cover a broader range of use cases.


Getting started with Basic Utility Belt is simple. There are no prerequisites or dependencies, making the installation process straightforward. To install the module, use the following npm command:

npm install basic-utility-belt

How to Use

For detailed usage instructions and examples, please refer to the README on the npm package page.


The Basic Utility Belt is an ongoing project, and your feedback is invaluable. If you have suggestions for new features, improvements, or bug fixes, please feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on the GitHub repository.

About the Author

This module is developed and maintained by me, Nika Jobava. You can follow my work on github.

Support the Project

If you find Basic Utility Belt useful, please consider starring the repository on GitHub and leaving a review. Your support helps drive the development of new features and improvements.

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