Update May 30th
There is now a twitter-account and an RSS-Feed for DevLids.
I'll use the Twitter-account for announcing news and updates...
For further actions, you may consider blocking this person and/or reporting abuse
This is really cool.
Would you be interested in collaborating with us in some way "officially"? I'm not sure exactly what that would mean, but I'm pretty sure we could give it a good boost.
Wow, very cool to read that from you!
Since I have only one contributed lid as of now, I'd like to wait until I have a couple more before I can better shape this in whichever way.
But once it feels a bit more complete, yes sure!
Would it be ok to use the dev.to Logo-SVG from the header as a link-icon for the ones with devto-profiles?
Cool, feel free to email me at any point.
And yeah, go for it with the SVG.
devlids.com/ is live now \o/
So yeah we managed to get 46 lids :D which is more than I expected. Most of them came thanks to dev.to, so thank you for enabling that with this great platform.
Oh I love them stickers! Here're a couple of links.
My wife's laptop instagram.com/p/BXdwbVdB9ty/?taken...
I like this one too :)

You can use my name
Ahmad Awais
and following links with them:Thanks!
Here's mine.
My links are on my profile.
I never received dev.to stickers tho :/
nice! thanks!
Here's mine! Still a laptop sticker newb.
Github: rpalo
Twitter: @paytastic
I think I need some more Python and Ruby stickers!
Thanks for the pic!
Only one sticker on mine. Definitely need more.
No no, one is fine. You'll stand out! Thanks for the lid!
Here's mine (handle is chimney42 on gh and twitter)

GitHub: github.com/esausilva
Twitter: twitter.com/_esausilva
Great idea!! Looking forward for the finished site.
Thanks! Coming reeeally soon, I'll keep this page updated.
I might be a little late to the party but here is mine,
Github: newtorob
Twitter: newtroncode
not at all, it's not even live yet, thanks!!
Here's my personal machine. No stickers on my work laptop, unfortunately.
Name: Brodan
Github: @brodan
Twitter: @brodan_
Looks cool, love the red ones. Thanks!
Twitter: @edaqa
Sorry, no dev.to sticker fit anymore. There's a dev magnet inside though.
Wow, thanks for that!
Great idea. Here is my laptop (missing dev.to stickers though) :
Never mind, the Wesbos-Stickers make up for it.
Simple but pretty!
Thanks 💯
Here’s mine, just started last week :)

My handles are all @xvercruysse
That starry night doctor who sticker is ace!
Thanks :) I got it from Redbubble
Should consider making this a PR submission instead of email based. Could totally make this automated via CI/CD with the community.
oss FTW.
I would still have to check and edit all images by hand. So far there wasn't one photo I could use unaltered.
Also I'd have to introduce a real hosting solution, instead of the shared hosting I use now, where I can simply FTP the files, and where Kirby CMS "just works".
Ultimately, shooting me an e-mail or a tweet seems the lowest barrier for submitting. It's magnitudes easier than handling PRs, for me and for contributors.
Fair enough. Very cool project.
I'll throw mine up tomorrow ! This is sweet.
Nice idea! Here's mine, bit worn :)
The worner the better!
I'll get the ball rolling. Here's my lid. You can call it "My work lid". All my handles, twitter etc. are nickytonline.
That's awesome, thanks! Love the yellow one.
This is mine :)

Mine looks like yours...
Oops totally forgot to thank you: Thanks!!! It's up!
Sounds cool, can you opensource it so that people can add more features to it. Showing lids and their owners username won't be of much help
No plans for open-source. It's all static. The source won't be obfuscated and all images will be on the page. No plans for features, too. Maybe some sort of tagging-system would make sense. For now it's just about collecting lids. If you have an idea for a feature, I'm happy to hear it.
Twitter: twitter.com/drishitmitra
GitHub: github.com/drishit96/
Thanks 💯
Cool idea!
Twitter/dev.to handle: @supab3ans
The "Yellow Ranger" definitely stands out. Thanks!
Shame on that one person with a thumb in their picture...