JAVA Annotations are nothing but metadata for for programs.
Annotations provide additional data for classes, interfaces, methods, fields which is used by JVM and compiler.
Syntax :-
public class MyClass{...}
Predefined Java Annotations :-
JAVA provides us with several built-in annotations.
Lets explore them one by one.
a) @override
This annotations ensures that the method is been overriden from its superclass.
In below example display method Child class is overriden from parent class. So it ensures that we inherit the correct method intended to be inherited. If we make some spelling mistake with method name and use override annotation, it will throw error.
Error message will be as follows - "Method does not override method from its superclass"
class Parent {
void display(){
System.out.println("Hello from parent class");
class Child extends Parent{
void display(){
System.out.println("Hello from child class");
b) @deprecated
It provides information that following method or class is deprecated . Provides user that it may be removed in future versions.
In below example it shows that method named "calcSum" will be deprecated.
class Sum {
int calcSum(int a,int b){
return a+b;
c) @SuppressWarnings
Suppresses warnings issued by compilers. Helps to keep code clean by removing unnecessary warnings.
class Sum {
int calcSum(int a,int b){
return a+b;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Sum sum=new Sum();
int sumValue=sum.calcSum(1,2);
System.out.println("Sum is="+sumValue);
In above example without annotation, we would get warning that calcSum is deprecated.
Lets discuss about built-in annotations in JAVA which are used in custom annotations.
Tells which type of element where annotation is to be applied like TYPE (class,enums,interface),FIELD,METHOD,CONSTRUCTOR,LOCAL_VARIABLE,ANNOTATION_TYPE,PARAMETER
Specifies at which level annotation will be available.
.)SOURCE - It tells that annotation is available at source code and ignored during compilation.
.)CLASS - It tells that annotation is available to compiler and not JVM.
.)RUNTIME - It tells that annotation is available to compiler and JVM.
Tells that annotation is inherited by subclasses.
Ensueres annotation is documented in JavaDoc .
Types of Annotations
a)Marker Annotations
Annotations without methods are marker annotations
Ex - @override ,@deprecated
@interface MyAnnotations{}
b)Single-Value Annotations
Annotations with one method.
@interface MyAnnotations{
int num();
c)Multi-Value Annotations
Annotations with more than one method.
@interface MyAnnotations{
int num1();
int num2();
Custom Annotations
Lets try creating custom annotation which will provide much deeper understanding of the topic.
a.)To define custom annotation we use the @interface keyword :
@Retention(RetentionPolicy.RUNTIME) // Available at runtime
@Target(ElementType.METHOD) // Can be applied to methods only
@interface Review {
String reviewerName() default "Unknown";
Over here we define annotation with name "Review" using @interface keyword .
b.)Next step is to apply the annotation.
public class CodeReview {
@Review(reviewerName = "John")
public void ReviewMethod1() {
System.out.println("I need review");
@Review(reviewerName = "Mike")
public void ReviewMethod2() {
System.out.println("I also need review");
Both methods "ReviewMethod1" and "ReviewMethod2" have annotation "Review" which tells the name of the reviewer of those methods.
c.) Now lets read and display these Annotations
public class MainExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Class<CodeReview> obj=CodeReview.class;
for(Method method:obj.getDeclaredMethods()){
Review annotation=method.getAnnotation(Review.class);
System.out.println("Method:" +method.getName()+ "| Reviewer: "+annotation.reviewerName());
Method:ReviewMethod1 | Reviewer: John
Method:ReviewMethod2 | Reviewer: Mike
Now if you go through the code in "c" you will see have used JAVA Reflections API. It is a powerful feature to read and manipulate structure and behaviour of classes, methods and fields at runtime.
This marks the end of tutorial.
We explored annotations, their syntax, types and how to write custom annotations.
My suggestion would be to explore more in this topic and play with more annotations for better grasp of the topic.
I hope the above tutorial provides some value to the reader and if you find this tutorial useful, do leave a comment and share it with fellow developers.
!!Happy Learning.Happy Coding!!
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