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Cover image for "Completed Weeks 1 and 2 of the AI Engineering Journey! Though a bit late, sharing progress on Day 16. Ready for the journey! 🚀"

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"Completed Weeks 1 and 2 of the AI Engineering Journey! Though a bit late, sharing progress on Day 16. Ready for the journey! 🚀"

Target was :- Unit 1 to 4 of ( AP®︎/College Computer Science Principles )

Thank You @CodeBasis for sharing AI engineering Roadmap :-

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I have completed my Week -1 & Week - 2 from Khan Academy ( AP®︎/College Computer Science Principles )

While I haven't mastered everything just yet, I'm excited about the progress I've made. 💡 I'm fully committed to refining my understanding as I continue this journey over the next 10 months. After all, learning is a process, and I'm here for the long haul! 📆💪

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Thank you all for your support and encouragement along the way. Stay tuned for more updates as I navigate through this exciting world of AI engineering! 🚀

Don't forget to catch me at 3:30 Pm (Saturday and Sunday )for the latest updates on my programming journey! Let's continue to learn, grow, and inspire together! 💻✨

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