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No Name Pro
No Name Pro

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Keep every up

How it works

The HTTP-Listener below opens a Port. So if a user send a HTTP-Request to your Page, this Listener will answer.
A normal free Project shutdown automatically when 5 minutes no Request will send to the App.

Method 1: Go to this page every 5 minutest with your browser, to keep your project alive.

But, we all know, it's not a very good method.

So, this tool up will send automatic using crontab every 5 Minutes a HTTP-Request to your Listner.

So your server needs just every 5 Minutes a very small progess, and your NodeJS-Application runs 24/7 with the Performance from the Glitch-Servers.

It's just a small server needed, if you don't have a server, i suggest a Raspberry Pi or ask a friend! :D

I will update this article, if i find better soulutions. But the old, works too.


HTTP-Listener: Set to your NodeJS Applicaion

Just add to your server.js this code. No config is here needed.

let express = require("express"),
    http = require('http'),
    app = express();

app.get("/", function(request, response) {
  response.sendStatus(200); // Status: OK

let listener = app.listen(process.env.PORT, function() {
  console.log("Your app is listening on port " + listener.address().port);

setInterval(() => {
}, 280000);

Automatic HTTP-Request: Run on your Server

Run this commands in the Bash. But: Change in the First Line the my-example-nodejs to your Project Name.


echo "5 * * * * curl https://$" > /etc/cron.d/glitch-up
service restart cron

Top comments (1)

folliejester profile image
Follie JesteR

they patched it