Type Casting vs Type Conversion
In programming languages, it is often necessary to change the value of one data type to another.
Two common terms are used for this transformation:
- Type Casting
- Type Conversion
Type Casting:
Type Casting is a process where a data type is forcibly converted to another data type, even if the types are not fully compatible with each other.
🔹 How it works:
- The compiler or interpreter assumes that you know what you are doing.
- It can be unsafe because incorrect type casting can introduce bugs or cause the program to crash.
🔹 Where it is used:
- Type casting is common in languages like C/C++, Java, and others.
🔹 Example (C/C++):
int x = 10;
float y = (float)x; // Type casting - forcibly converting int to float
Type Conversion:
Type Conversion is a process where a data type is safely converted to another type. This can be either Implicit (automatic) or Explicit (manual).
🔹 Implicit Conversion (Automatic):
- The compiler automatically and safely converts the type.
- Languages like C/C++ and Java support this kind of conversion.
🔹 Explicit Conversion (Manual):
- The programmer must explicitly perform the type conversion.
- In Golang, only explicit type conversion is allowed.
🔹 Example (Golang):
var x int = 10
var y float64 = float64(x) // Type conversion - safely converting int to float
In Summary:
- Type Casting → Forcibly changes data types (Unsafe, not available in Golang)
- Type Conversion → Safely changes data types (Explicit in Golang)
Golang avoids bugs through type conversion, keeping the code simple and
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