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Questions about URLs, objects and storage

I am working on an application where people can create item builds for a video game. I want people to be able to save and share the builds.

The item builds will be generated by the user selecting different items and then the item build will be turned into a JavaScript object and I need a way to save the object and make it a sharable URL.

I could use local storage for saving the object to the users browser and make it sharable by generating a base64 string that you can share with people but since I am using tools like Svelte, Sapper and Node I feel like that solution is too cheap.

Since I am fairly new to developing with Node modules I don't know about many packages that could help me in this case.

So I want to ask you, the DEV Community, if there is any other simple approaches I can make. I am trying to avoid using a back-end as I want it to be a front-end app.

If you need an example about what I am talking about, here is a React app that does basically the same thing I want to do.

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