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Mashrur Rahman
Mashrur Rahman

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Which One Is Your Favorite IDE

Lets Talk About The Different IDE's We Use Everyday You Can Provide Your Favorite One.

:) And You Can Also Provide The Themes You Use

This is My First Post So Please Let Me Know I I Made Any Mistakes 😊

Top comments (2)

marmonto profile image

I've used NetBeans for Java development, and I would return to it.
Visual Studio is the best for everything related to Microsoft technologies.
Finally, I'm creating profiles and WorkSpaces in Codium (VSCode). I love its flexibility, personalization per technology (I'm playing with different things -SQL, Python, Julia, Rust, Go, JS, Deno, Docker, ...) and I'm loving to jump according to what I want to do.

Themes: always Dark modes, but referencing which tech I'm working on.

marissab profile image
Marissa B

Visual Studio in the classic Dark Theme! β™₯ VS Code is doable, but it lacks a lot of the UI flow that I've gotten used to over the years.