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Cover image for Extracting game text from Nier:Automata
Mark Jordan
Mark Jordan

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Extracting game text from Nier:Automata

[Originally published in 2018]

Recently I’ve been playing through Nier:Automata again, and trying to stick to Japanese for more of the playthrough. This is a bit of a challenge since my level of Japanese comprehension is still roughly about that of a two-year-old baby. I ended up taking a lot of screenshots like the one above and then figuring out how to translate them after the fact.

This started me wondering, though - surely all these subtitles were tucked away in the game files and could be extracted if we just had the right tools. And it turns out there’s a pretty dedicated mod community that does stuff just like this. After some investigation, I found two useful repos - CriPakTools and att - which handled pulling apart the games archive format and then the individual data files respectively. We can chain them together with a quick powershell script:

function att ($inDir, $outDir) {
    new-item -force -ItemType directory $outDir
    C:\git\micktu-att\x64\Debug\att.exe export $inDir $outDir

function cripakexport ($inFile, $outDir) {
    new-item -force -ItemType directory $outDir
    C:\git\wmltogether-CriPakTools\CriPakTools\bin\Debug\CriPakTools.exe -x -i $inFile -d $outDir

gci G:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\NieRAutomata\data\*.cpk | foreach {
    cripakexport $_ F:\nier_unpacked_2

att F:\nier_unpacked_2 F:\nier_unpacked_2_extracted

and get a nested folder structure full of files like this:

ID: M5920_S0100_G0040_001_op60
JP: いえいえ、そうではなくて。天気がいいと気分が良いのかなー、なんて。
EN: Not really! I just figured it might feel nice to have some good weather.

ID: M5920_S0100_G0050_001_a2b
JP: 気分が良くても良くなくても、作戦には関係ない。
EN: Feeling nice has no bearing on completing missions.

ID: M5920_S0100_G0060_001_op60
JP: ははっ……2Bさんらしいですね。
EN: Hee hee! That is so like you, 2B.

with the matching subtitle lines for English and Japanese, along with a RU: line (I believe the original author was working on a Russian translation)

This is already useful, but now we have a folder full of plain text files we can do some fun analysis, like this:

$folder = "F:\nier_unpacked_2_extracted"
$files = gci -recurse $folder | where { ! $_.PSIsContainer }
$fileContents = $files | foreach { gc -encoding utf8 $_.fullname }
$lines = $fileContents | foreach { if ($_ -match "^JP: (.*)$") { $matches[1] } }
$chars = $lines | foreach { $_.ToCharArray() }
$groups = $chars | group-object
$totals = $groups | sort-object -desc -property count

which finds the most common characters on all the lines in all files which begin with JP::

Count Name                      Group                           
----- ----                      -----                               
11496 。                         {。, 。, 。, 。...}
11445 …                          {…, …, …, …...}
 9108 の                         {の, の, の, の...}                      
 8533 い                         {い, い, い, い...}
 6542 、                         {、, 、, 、, 、...}
 6529 て                         {て, て, て, て...}
 6401 に                         {に, に, に, に...}


  190 兵                         {兵, 兵, 兵, 兵...}                    
  185 話                         {話, 話, 話, 話...}                     
  185 奨                         {奨, 奨, 奨, 奨...}
  184 的                         {的, 的, 的, 的...}
  184 墟                         {墟, 墟, 墟, 墟...}


which is pretty neat. Obviously we get basic kana all over the top of the chart, but further down we start getting kanji like (body), (machine/mechanism/chance), (life) and (life/fate). A lot of these kanji end up in 機械生命体 (lit. machine-lifeform), the name of the enemies in this game, which is probably not a coincidence. As you’d expect, the counts of character frequencies definitely look like they form some sort of power law distribution.

Anyway, this ended up being a pretty fun programming diversion - hopefully this’ll turn out to be a useful resource for learning more sentences.

Top comments (2)

aethernanic profile image

Hello, this is a really interesting way to do it. I was using an OCR to extract but this seems more easier to use, do you by chance have a video on this process (on how to use) and your method to extracting from nier and and how you handled some problems that came up using this? it would be most helpful truly, I love this game and would love to get into replicant on a much easier footing but this process really seems like a time saver from using an OCR.

Thanks in advance.

sophias_scale32 profile image

Hi I am trying to get this to work with Japanese texts I am copy and pasting. Is this possible? I even set up a stackoverflow here:

Is it possible for you to post a picture of one of the text files your program grabbed the text from?