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Odo Peter Ebere
Odo Peter Ebere

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Mastering the JavaScript Console Log Method: Your Ultimate Guide to Error-Free Debugging


When it comes to JavaScript debugging, the console.log() method is a developer's best friend. It allows you to output messages and information to the browser's debugging console, making it an essential tool for troubleshooting and understanding the behavior of your code. In this article, we will dive deep into the various features and techniques associated with the console.log() method, going beyond the basics and uncovering tips and tricks that you won't find in most tutorials.

The Basics of Console Logging

The console.log() method is the most commonly used function for outputting useful and needed logging information. This method outputs a message to the console. The message may be a single string (with optional substitution values), or it may be any one or more JavaScript objects MDN. By default, the objects are logged as references, which means that the value displayed in the console may not reflect the current state of the object at the time of logging.

const myObject = {};
console.log(myObject); // Outputs {} = "Richard Hendrix";
console.log(myObject); // Outputs { name: "Richard Hendrix"}
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Additional Console Methods

While console.log() is the go-to method for general logging, the console object provides a range of other methods that cater to specific use cases. Let's explore some of these methods:

First let's log the console object console.log(console):

console methods

    The method is used for informative logging of information. It can be particularly useful when you want to provide additional details or context about a specific code execution.

  • console.debug()
    The console.debug() method outputs a message to the console with the log level set to debug. This can be handy for debugging specific parts of your code or tracking the flow of execution.

  • console.warn()
    When you want to highlight potential issues or warnings in your code, the console.warn() method comes to the rescue. It outputs a warning message to the console, drawing attention to areas that might require further investigation.

  • console.error()
    The console.error() method is used to display error messages in the console. It helps identify and debug errors by providing a clear indication of what went wrong in your code.
    To explore other console methods, check here.

Customizing Console Output

Did you know that you can style the output of console.log() messages in your browser's DevTools? Using CSS format specifiers, you can apply custom styles to make your logs more visually appealing and easier to read.

console.log('%cHello, Developer!', 'color: blue; font-size: 32px;');

custom console

This code will log the message "Hello, Developer!" in blue text with a font size of 32 pixels. You can leverage this feature to add emphasis or differentiate logs based on their importance.

String Substitutions

The javaScript console.log() method also allows string substitutions, this allow you to insert dynamic values into your log messages. The console object provides several substitution strings that you can use:

  • %s - Used for string substitution
  • %i or %d - Used for integer substitution
  • %o or %0 - Used for object substitution
  • %f - Used for float substitution

You can include these substitution strings in your log message and pass the corresponding values as additional parameters. This gives you more control over the format and content of your console output.

const owner = 'Eugene Krabs';
const company = 'The Krusty Krabs';
const employees = 2;
const employeeOne = 'SpongeBob Squarepants';
const employeeTwo = 'Squidward Tentacles';

console.log('My name is %s and I am the proprietor of %s, with %d employees, %s and %s', owner, company, employees, employeeOne, employeeTwo); 

//Output - My name is Eugene Krabs and I am the proprietor of The Krusty Krabs, with 2 employees, SpongeBob Squarepants and Squidward Tentacles
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Advanced Console Techniques

console meme
Let's now explore some advanced techniques that can take your console logging to the next level.

Conditional Logging

The console.log() method can be used in conjunction with a conditional statement to log a message and stack trace only if the condition is false. This technique is useful for debugging and identifying specific cases where your code might not be behaving as expected.

const condition = false;
console.assert(condition, 'Condition is false');
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If the condition is false, the message "Condition is false" will be logged to the console along with a stack trace.

const errorMessage = "the # is not even";
for (let number = 2; number <= 5; number++) {
  console.log(`the # is ${number}`);
  console.assert(number % 2 === 0, "%o", { number, errorMessage });
// output:
// the # is 2
// the # is 3
// Assertion failed: {number: 3, errorMessage: "the # is not even"}
// the # is 4
// the # is 5
// Assertion failed: {number: 5, errorMessage: "the # is not even"}
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Clearing the Console

If you find the console cluttered with too many logs, you can clear it using the console.clear() method. This will remove all previous logs and provide you with a clean slate to work with.

Tabular Data Logging

The console.table() method allows you to display tabular data in a more organized and readable format. It takes an array or an object as input and generates a table in the console, making it easier to analyze and visualize complex data structures.

const data = [
{ name: 'Peter', DOB: '8-BC' },
{ name: 'James', DOB: '2-BC' },
{ name: 'John', DOB: '5-BC' }

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This code will log a table in the console with columns for name and age, populated with the corresponding data.

console table

Timing Execution

Sometimes, you may need to measure the execution time of a particular code block or function. The console.time() and
console.timeEnd() methods allow you to start and stop a timer, respectively, and log the elapsed time in seconds.

// Code to be timed
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The output will be the elapsed time in seconds since the timer was started.

Grouping Console Logs

To organize and structure your console logs, you can use the and console.groupEnd() methods. These methods allow you to create inline groups and indent subsequent logs within the group. This can be especially useful when dealing with complex codebases or debugging multiple sections of your code simultaneously.'Group 1');
console.log('Log 1');
console.log('Log 2');
console.groupEnd();'Group 2');
console.log('Log 3');
console.log('Log 4');
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This code will create two groups in the console, each containing two logs.

console group

HTML Elements in the Console

Did you know that you can log HTML elements directly to the console? By passing an HTML element as a parameter to
console.log(), you can inspect its properties and manipulate it directly from the console. This can be incredibly useful for testing and debugging web applications.

Memory Status

If you're concerned about the memory usage of your JavaScript application, you can check the heap size status using the console.memory() property. Although memory is not a method, it provides valuable information about the memory consumption of your code.


The console.log() method is an essential tool for JavaScript debugging. By exploring its various features and techniques, you can gain deep insights into your code's behavior and troubleshoot issues effectively. From customizing the console output to leveraging advanced logging techniques, mastering console.log() will undoubtedly boost your debugging skills and enhance your development workflow. So go ahead, experiment with the console, and uncover the power of JavaScript debugging with console.log().

If you found this article helpful, consider following me on Twitter for more insightful tips and tricks. Happy debugging!

Top comments (1)

harshith8854 profile image

liked the way you started by logging the console