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Onur Eren
Onur Eren

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3 Mistakes I Made When I Was First Learning To Code

When I first started learning to code, I made a ton of mistakes in how I approached it.

I tried some approaches that felt productive and gave me the illusion that I was making progress, but the topics I was learning would not stick.

As a result, I wasted a lot of time and it took me a lot longer than necessary to learn the skills I needed to get my first job.

I wanted to write about the three major mistakes I made, so you do not make the same mistakes and waste your precious time, like I did.

Mistake #1: Learning language syntax instead of building projects

When I first started learning to code, I started with HTML, CSS and JavaScript like most beginner web developers do.

The problem with the way I was learning these technologies was that I was not building any projects.

Instead, I was reading books and watching tutorials.

After consuming video after video and tutorial after tutorial, I realized nothing was sticking. I was mostly learning syntax, but I wasn't using anything I learned in practice.

When I finally decided to build my first project with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I realized how much time I had wasted by passively consuming content and only learning syntax. I could barely recall anything I previously learned from books and tutorials.

The more projects I built, the more things started to click. I would try to build a feature, get stuck and then I would Google and find the right solution. This constant feedback loop ended up accelerating my learning significantly.

The same thing happens when you are learning a human language as well.

You can study grammar for hours. Memorize hundreds of words. But if you are not practicing speaking or writing in that language, you are barely getting any better.

You are just memorizing words and grammar rules. And once you try writing a message or speaking to someone in that language, the real level of your proficiency becomes obvious.

So here is my simple advice...

Start building projects from day one.

No one learns to ride a bike from a manual.

Mistake #2: Not Asking For Feedback Or Help

Another big mistake I made at the begging of my journey was to write code and build projects in my own bubble.

I was afraid of showing the code I wrote and getting feedback. So I never showed a single person the projects I built.

The issue was that I was terrified of people's judgment.

I thought everyone would tell me the code I wrote was too basic and the projects I was working on were useless.

I thought people would tell me I was being delusional and I would never be a real programmer.

And I thought all these (imaginary) people were right...

Did I really think I could learn to code on my own? Who did I think I was? People went to university for 4 years to study Computer Science. Others went to Coding Bootcamps.

I was just a guy, sitting on the kitchen table and watching videos on Udemy and building Todo apps and Tic-Tac-Toe...

What I later realized was that no one really cared and I was mostly in my own head.

At some point, I started telling people that I was learning to code, and most people were actually quite supportive. Not a single person discouraged me or questioned what I was doing. Friends connected me with people in their network who could help me get an entry-level job.

If I had started asking for feedback from developers in my network, or people online, I would be able to get some feedback on some of the projects I had built. Perhaps even some code review...

Once I started working at my first job, I realized how crucial code reviews were to improve my coding skills. It was then I realized that I would have improved so much faster if I had only started asking for feedback early on.

It is the same with any skill really...

The most efficient way to get better at anything is to create short feedback loops.

You work on something, and you ask someone who is a few steps ahead of you to tell you what could be improved.

And you keep doing this day after day.

There is almost no limit to how much better you can get by doing this at any given skill.

You just need to kill your pride and ask for feedback. As early as possible.

Most of your fears are self-induced. And most people are quite friendly, especially when you ask them for help.

Mistake #3: Learning Alone

Another mistake I made that made my journey harder than it was supposed to be was learning on my own.

I was so afraid of putting myself out there and connecting with people to avoid criticism and discouragement that I decided to be a lone wolf.

I did not post anything on Twitter related to my coding journey.

I did not join any programming communities or connect with other beginners.

It was only me and my computer on the kitchen table. Trying to learn programming with pretty much no social support or network.

Now I know that most people have good intentions and people enjoy connecting and supporting others that are on a similar journey.

If I had shared my programming journey on Twitter or joined an online community, I would have connected with a ton of like-minded people.

And most importantly, I would have a lot of accountability.

The days I was discouraged and demotivated would be less painful. I would have made friends and meaningful connections early on.

I ended up making the journey more difficult than it was supposed to be because of my fear of judgment.

Now I know that accountability is one of the most powerful ways to stay consistent when learning a new skill or building a new habit.

And social media and online communities are some of the best ways to find like-minded people and build accountability.

In Summary

Learning to code is not easy, but it doesn't have to be more difficult than necessary.

It is the same as learning any skill.

You do not have to be a genius to learn to code, and you do not need a 4-year university degree.

You need to start building projects by writing actual code. Get feedback, improve based on that feedback, and keep doing this on a consistent basis.

Action, feedback, and consistency are the 3 pillars of learning any skill.

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