DEV Community

Orim Dominic Adah
Orim Dominic Adah

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What do you do while waiting?

We've all been there and we'll never stop being there. Times like when npm install takes forever, long running test suites we hope all pass and the infamous Gradle builds that take longer than the Shawshank Redemption with commercials.

What do you do during these times?

  • Play swords with a colleague?
  • Surf
  • Watch Youtube videos?
  • Pet your pet?
  • Snapchat?
  • Take a walk?

Share what you do in these wait times that holds you back from exploding with anxiety! Lets all learn and have fun. Someone might just adopt yours! 😉

Top comments (1)

orimdominic profile image
Orim Dominic Adah

Youtube videos does it for me, or doing work on StackOverflow, but definitely not when the network is poor. When it is, I ask a colleague a question that usually leads to a never-ending interesting philosophical discussion. 😉